Chapter Twenty Three - The Solace Family

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Pft, I just had to add the picture above.

Third Person:

Will was taking Nico to meet his parents this fine evening. Nico was nervous as per-usual, he hasn't ever met anyones parent's other than Sally. Will was giddy with joy when his mother asked when he was coming over.

Wills mother has gotten married during the years Will was gone. Sadly, Will couldn't make it to the wedding since he was busy fighting in a war. His mother understood when he messaged her, he was also in the midst of getting ready for that battle. He was just glad he survived to see her again.

Moving on, Nico was panicking and running around his cabin trying to figure out what to wear to make a good impression. You only get one first impression, you know. Its not like he could have two separate occasions to meet his parents for the first time. He met Apollo when he was ten and he didn't even know who Apollo was, really.

Will was laughing as he saw Nico go through his wardrobe. "Hey deathboy, you need help?"

"No," Nico replied, "and don't call me deathboy."

"You should wear whatever you want because you look good in anything." 

Nico stopped digging around to look back at Will. "I look like death, I'm trying to find something that makes me look less like death."

"Try wearing colors then."

"Ew no." Nico whined, Will stood up and wrapped his arms around Nicos waist. 

"Come on darling, do don't need to worry too much. My mother is going to love you, I know I do."

Nico laughed, "I love you too. Right now I think I've gone through everything and I still don't know what to wear."

"Well you don't need anything too fancy. I'm just gonna wear a hoodie and some jeans."

"What?" Nico groaned pulling away from Wills embrace. "So, you're telling me that I could just wear a green hoodie and ripped jeans and all would be fine?"

Will laughed and kissed Nicos forehead, "Thats exactly what I'm saying."

"Why the- why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"You never asked." Will replied innocently.

Nico rolled his eyes, "You're an ass."

"Thats not what you said last night." Will mumbled under his breath.

"What was that?"

"Hmmn? Nothing, you're pretty."

"I am not pretty. I am gorgeous." Nico replied flipping his hair back.

"Yes you are," Will said grabbing his hand once Nico put his hoodie on. "Now lets go." 

Will pulled Nico out of his cabin, Nico was being pulled along trying not to trip over his shoe laces.

"Slow down!" Nico cried.

"Thats not what you said last night." Will laughed back causing Nico to blush a bright red. 

"Shut up before I stab you."

"Aw, I love you too death boy."

Nico looked away trying to fight a smile. "I love you too." he grumbled. 

Will took Nico to where his car sat next to Percy's old blue truck. Will drove a yellow jeep, very flashy I know. But Will likes it and Nico likes it as long as Wills happy with it. Besides it's not like they're millionairs.

Will began driving off before Chiron could try and convince them to stay- again. Let's just say they weren't gonna stick around for Chiron to change his mind. Will tried to make small talk with Nico but he was more nervous than he showed.

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