Chapter Twenty Four- Solace Family Part Two

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Nico sang a tune as he cooked he was almost done, nearly an hour has passed. He could faintly hear conversations in the background but he didn't want to get involved. He was the type to let things play out, he didn't want to make things worse. Unless Will said the word then he could wreak havoc over the place.


At the same time Will and his family were talking as Nico seemed half way through his cooking. 

"What was it you need to tell me?" Jacob asked.

"Well... Nevermind, it's not important."

"What was that language you guys were speaking?"

"Oh it was just an old language we all learn in camp."

"Sounded like you spoke it fluently."

"I've been there for five years, it's no wonder." Will muttered

"Will, mind your tone." His mother scolded.

Will crossed his arms, "So, tell me when did you two meet?" 

"ah well, that's a story. We actually met in a cafe, its cliche but its true." Jacob began.

"He accidently grabbed my drink and when we switched we sort of hit it off and I met the love of my life." Naomi finished grabbing his hand.

Will wanted to vomit, but he held it back. He was a bit saltier than he thought he would be but he had a feeling of wanting to hate him. Don't get him wrong, he loves that his mothers happy. He spent his whole life without a father figure and she now remarries when he's basically an adult.

"What about you Will? Have you met your love?" Jacob asked.

"Ah, yes. They're amazing and gods, so cute." Will smiled thinking about Nico.

"Really? What's she like?" Jacob asked.

Will's smile faltered, "Ah, they like to cook, sing, and is very self reserved."

"Sounds like Nico." Jacob said with a smirk.

Will choked on is saliva. "Pft no."

"Will you know who your father is, it's not like it's any secret." Naomi said with a laugh.

"Was that what you wanted to tell us?"

"um sure."

"Well hot damn, If your gay then so what? You know my brother was the gay cousin." Jacob laughed.

Will let out an inaudible sigh of relief. "Is that why you've been sort of... defensive?"

"Um sure, lets go with that story."  

"You think Nico's ready?" Naomi asked.

Jacob stood, "I'll go see if he needs help, you should catch up." he smiled and made his way to the kitchen.


Nico was humming some music as he heard footsteps approach. He quickly put one hand under Aria and continued to use the other to saute the vegetables.

"Hey Nico, you need some help?"

"No, I'm okay." Nico said quietly.

"Tell me about yourself Nico, we heard some praises from Will."

Nico smiled softly, "That dork, I'm not surprised."

"You don't need to worry about coming out, he already told us." 

Nico let out a breath, "Thats a relief. Lets see..." he mumbled, "Oh, I'm Italian."

"I already know that, Nico." Jacob laughed. "What about your family?"

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