Chapter Twenty Two - Sink Hole

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Nico's pov:

It was a good day to say the least, well until there was a giant sinkhole in the middle of the city. Did Hazel freak out about something? I could feel the shock from where I was standing, I did see some cops shooting into the air to make people get back. I did know some medical assistance, I spent too much time with Will. 

I can sense death too, so that helps big time. There were so many people crying out in agony, I rubbed my head as their cries rang in my ear. "Mister! Mister!" some little girl came up to me.

 "Um hello?"

"Come quick! My mom, she's stuck under a car."

I cleared my throat, "Alright, take me towards her."

She pulled my arm, "This way, she's right here."


Will's pov:

I was working on someone in the ER, there was a sinkhole in the middle of the city. I really hope no one I know is a part of that. "Gauze!" I held out my hand, I was ready to catch the supply. It wasn't handed to me, I looked around and laughed to myself. It isn't like camp half-blood, my sibilings all have good accuracy so we throw things in the infirmary when we call for it. It was something I did without thinking. I guess things are different here. Although someone was almost killed cause we threw some scissors across the room.... we don't speak of it.



I lifted with my legs, I strained to push the car off her. I looked around, I held out my hand. The shadows swarmed the car picking it up from the woman. I pulled the woman out and the car dropped where she once laid.

"Ma'am, can you tell me your name?"

"M-Mel-Melissa." she managed.

"Alright, Melissa, listen to me. From what I can tell you have massive internal bleeding, you have to get to the hospital as fast as possible."

She closed her eyes, tears streamed down her face.

"Hey, eyes on me, you see her? She's your little girl, right? She brought me here, she's brave, you raised a good one."

Melissa smiled, "We were going to her dance class."

"Now, I want you to know that you also have a broken leg from the pressure. I will place it in a splint. I want you to answer to keep talking to me."

I was just going with the flow, I had no idea what I was doing. The Hecate cabin developed a potion that can tell if someone is a demigod or not. You place a drop of it on the person, if the potion turns purple they're roman, orange- greek, blue- legacy, and if it's green- human.

She got purple, that's great. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to give her the rundown. I looked at her left arm, she had a faint tattoo. As if it was removed, I looked at her and pulled out some unicorn drought. "Now Melissa, do you mind telling me who your godly parent is?"

She looked at me scared. "I-"

"I'm a Greek Demigod, I met some of Romans a couple of years ago. It was a surprise for sure."


"Yeah, you're familiar with Hades?"

"You're the ambassador aren't you."

"Yes ma'am. Now, you don't have to tell me, but I'm sure that there's something you can talk to me about. Don't be afraid, I have someone who works at the hospital. I'm gonna give you some drought to help reduce the swelling that you have." I looked at the little girl, "Hey, can you find some paramedics? Can you do that for us?"

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