Chapter Fourteen - College

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Will's POV:

I was running late for my Advanced Human Anatomy class, I spent too much time with Nico this morning. Not that I mind, I just hate having to rush and I sure as hell am not letting him shadow travel. He is in perfect condition and I want him to stay that way. I entered my class just before the professor closed the door. Thanks to my time as a demigod jumping and running through the hallways is a lot easier than dodging, evading, attacking- then running from monsters.

"Mr. Solace, care to inform us as to why you were late?"

"Sorry sir, my significant other wouldn't let me leave."

The class let out a small laugh, "You need to work on your excuses, please take a seat."

I sighed and sat down in the back, I'm just taking this class because I want to become a doctor but I already know these things. I've basically been a trauma surgeon since before the Second Titan War. I set my head down and pulled out my computer. "Mr. Solace-"

"Yes sir?"

"Answer me this: Lymphatic drainage from the right big toe reaches the venous system is what?"

"The Thoracic Duct."

"Very well."

I opened Netflix and started to watch Shrek. The teacher tried calling on me but he failed to catch me off guard. I'm a doctor, I just need the license to actually perform in a hospital. Damn, I should have got Chiron to make it up with the mist or something.

The class was beginning to end and I was glad, it was almost lunchtime. This dam class goes on for about two hours long. From 9:30 am to 11:30 am Nico's always asleep when I have to go and tries to hold me hostage. It's adorable, I can't be mad at him. He's my tiny angry hooman.

I looked into my bag and saw I forgot my lunch. I wanted to cry, I looked around for my wallet. I forgot that too, I was hungry. I whined quietly, my stomach whining with me. The teacher looked at his watch after he finished explaining something. I wasn't paying attention, I'm too hungry.

"Alright, that ends the class. I'll see you guys in a couple of days, be prepared as we are going to have a quiz."

Nooo, I forgot my food. I guess I shall starve, I will die of hunger. Goodbye cruel world, I hope I shall never see you again because no. I left my class with my head down, I could hear the sound of a motorcycle outside, you could hear it quite often. I just decided to walk the other way and head to my next class. I only had an hour and that's not enough time to go get food at home and come back. I patted my stomach, "I'm sorry, next time my friend."

Don't judge me, I'm a dramatic gay. I sighed and slept in the library until it was time for my next class, my stomach grumbled again. I pouted and sat in my seat. The class was beginning to fill in, I put on Shrek 2 and sat my head down. My stomach grumbled as the teacher closed the door. "Mr. Solace, haven't you eaten."

"Sorry Mrs, I forgot my lunch at home." just as I said that someone knocked on the door. The professor opened it I wasn't paying attention to who it was. There were murmurs going around the classroom, a conversation passed between the teacher and the person. Their footsteps echoing up to where I sat. I could smell good food and my stomach grumbled, I sighed and closed my eyes. There was a hand placed on my shoulder, I looked up to see a face in front of me.

Hold up... Nico? "Nico?" I sat up as gay as I could, "What are you doing here?"

Nico smiled and held up a bag in his hand, "You forgot your lunch."

I smiled, "You brought me lunch?"

"I made and brought you lunch."

"Oh my gods, I love you-"

"I know-"

"-re cooking." I finished my sentence.

Nico frowned, "I see how it is, I guess next time I'll let you starve."

"Neeks don't be that way, I love you more."

He laughed his usual angelic laugh, "I know, I'm just messing with you." He leaned down and kissed my forehead. "Next time, don't leave me waiting outside the school for you to come outside."

"Oh... that motorcycle was you?" he nodded, I winced, "My bad."

"It's alright, I still love you." he yawned, "Alright well I have to go back to sleep so, see you later sunshine."

He placed a quick kiss on my lips and left the classroom, the whole class was silent. I was just happy I could eat my boyfriends Italian food and watch Shrek. I could feel eyes on me, "What?" I asked with my mouth full.

"Who was that?"

"My boyfriend, why?"

Professor Sinclair smiled lightly, "forget today's lesson, we want to know about your story."

Oh gods, fujoshi/fudanshi class, I cleared my throat. "Well um, it began when I was 10 in a summer camp..."

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