Chapter 1

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-Maliki's POV-

I was packed and ready for my journey to the wolf pack and I was looking forward to learning about them. I was a bit apprehensive at first but after I mulled it over I had resigned myself to it. These wolves were not going to know what hit them, after all, I am the aggressive son. I wonder if that is why my father decided I should go instead of one of my brothers. A knock to my bedroom door brought me out of my thoughts.

"Come in" I called catching my mothers scent outside the door.

She entered into the room before closing the door behind her. Every time I saw my ancient mother she always pulled off a distinguished vampire lady. She was wearing a full-length red dress that was tight against her body. Her raven black hair fell down over her back and her violet eyes were warm and calculating as she looked me over.

"Maliki, I hear your father is sending you to live with the wolves for a while," She asked as she took a seat on my dresser chair. 

"Yes mother he seems to think they are hiding something" I replied as I went back to packing my things.

"He's right you know, werewolves often don't like having territories so close to vampires. They only do so when they have done something despicable" She spoke as her eyes took on a faraway look like she had spread her mind-reading as far as it would go.

"Do you have experience with this situation mother" I questioned curiously to what an ancient being like her could know. 

"Yes, son but this is something you have to realise for yourself" She answered before getting up and kissing me on the cheek before leaving me to finish packing. 

I shook my head at her riddles as I knew she knew something but my father was using this as a test for me. I finished packing after that. Gathering clothes for a week and a few blood packs. I needed them if I went into an aggressive rage but I could get by on animal blood in the meantime. I picked up the bag and made my way through the mansion nodding at a few servants. 

Coming out of the door I saw a limousine waiting for me but I didn't feel like driving to my destination so I dropped my bag in the car and patted the roof before jumping into a tree. I jumped from tree to tree balancing on the branches and scanning my surroundings. 

I crossed into werewolf territory and I saw patrol wolves sniffing around and marking. I then picked up a mysterious scent and followed it. The scent led me to a clearing where a lone white wolf sat next to a crystal clear lake. The wolf was small and gorgeous but I could only sense pain, fear and loneliness. Just as I was about to use my mind to connect us his ears perked in fright before he dashed through the trees and he was gone. 

I was curious to why he was alone but I was even more curious to why I wanted to make sure he was okay. I rushed the rest of the way to the middle of the pack's territory. I got there just as my driver was about to open the door to the back of the limousine. I jumped down onto the roof of the limo startling the wolves who had gathered as well as my driver who gave me a stern look although there was a smile on his lips. 

"Lord Maliki, it is a pleasure to have you staying with us," Said a tall muscular dark brown-haired man. His eyes brown and void of emotion and his words cold as ice.

"It's my pleasure Alpha" I replied jumping off the roof and landing in front of him. Smiling at him sweetly so he could see my fangs.

"I am named Chris and my beta is Bart and my Gamma is Nolan" The alpha introduced.

"Nice to meet you all gentlemen, I'm sure we'll get on" I greeted innocently but I knew these men did not have the best intentions. 

"Right now that introductions are out of the way, do come in. And Nolan will show you to the room you will be staying at.

"Yes of course, but may I ask you something" I questioned.

"Ask away Lord Maliki" Alpha Chris agreed as we started to walk into the packhouse.

"I saw a white wolf in the woods on the way here and I wish to meet him," I asked. The moment I asked him I saw a tick work in his jaw and his eyes conceal rage.

"There is no white wolf in this pack, It must have been a rouge I'll have the patrol take care of it" Alpha Chris replied although his obvious lie hung thick in the air.

"Ah right my mistake, it must have been a trick of the light" I pondered to appease the alpha even though if got violent I would kill him before he could blink.

"Well anyway, this is the room you are going to be staying in," The alpha said before he and the beta walked away with the gamma following after them.

Entering the room I saw a bed, A desk and chair, a dresser and a door that led into a small bathroom. The room was quite a bit smaller than what I was used to but it would have to do.

Thinking over my exchange with the alpha I hissed under my breath as my mothers' words echoed in my head. Something wasn't right here and I was going to find out what. And that white wolf was key to figuring out the truth. Why was the alpha intent on hiding him and why was he angry that I had seen him. But now that I thought about it his scent was not in the packhouse but his presence said he was here. something is wrong and I was going to find out.

The Vampires little wolf (Von-Tourn Vampire series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now