Chapter 20

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-Oscar's POV-

I had been laying on one of the beds in the hospital wing for hours and my contractions had kept getting worse and worse. Stretching out my body again a whimper escaped me as another wave of pain wracked my body. I hoped I was getting close to giving birth soon. 

As the nurse approached me I growled at her as I was vulnerable in this position. I knew she just wanted to check how everything was coming along but my instincts were going haywire. Because I was in my wolf form the nurse jumped back as she caught sight of my teeth. 

"I just have to check how far along you are and then I'll move out the way" The nurse spoke as she held her gloved hands up in surrender. 

Huffing I laid down as still as I could whimpering ever so often as my contractions came and went. As the nurse lifted my tail to check my opening I whined as she examined it. I felt the wetness on my back legs and I doubt it looked very appealing. 

"You're doing great" Maliki murmured as he sifted his hands through the fur on my belly alleviating some of the pain I was in as his touch calmed me down. 

"Easy for you to say" I grumbled into his mind as the nurse moved closer. 

I wanted to snap at her but I knew she was doing her job. My wolf was also trying to share in the pain so I wouldn't pass out. 

"Your ready to push Oscar. The next time you feel a contraction just go for it" the nurse instructed softly as she nodded at the other two nurses in the room to standby. 

The other nurses were here in case I had any complications in birth. Feeling the next contraction in my abdomen I started pushing. I whined in pain as I felt the small body leave my entrance causing it to stretch as I pushed my pup fully out.

Lifting my leg I spotted the red pup in an amniotic sack. Licking away the fluids I gulped them down and tried to stimulate my pup to take her first breath. My heart leapt for joy as she let out a whine as her lungs finally let in the air. The nurse then took her away so that she could be cleaned up. 

I whimpered at them to bring her back but it was cut off as a sizzling pain spread through me. This pup was a little bigger than the first one I realised as I started to push. Whimpering tears gathered in my eyes as I finally managed to push the male pup out. Lifting my leg again I licked away the fluids from his muzzle the same way I had for his sister. 

His first breath came to a lot quicker as loud whimper left his lips. He was Silver in colour with a white left ear. The nurse took him to as I panted with the effort it took to give birth. Looking over at Maliki I giggled though it must have sounded like a snort. Tears were falling down his face as he stared at our pups before he buried his head in my neck fur and cried. 

Maliki managed to get control of himself as the nurses brought over our pups. Laying them down next to my nipples which were producing milk. As they latched on I stared down at them. The female was red with a white streak along her back and her brother sliver with a white ear. My mother was a red she-wolf but I wasn't sure where the sliver colour came from. 

"They're perfect" Maliki breathed as he reached down to brush his fingers along their bodies. 

"They are" I purred in content as the nurses cleaned me up before excusing themselves from the room. 

"What are we gonna call them," Maliki asked as he scratched an itch on my back I couldn't reach. 

"Why don't we call them Selene and Helios" I offered yawning the exhaustion of the birth finally catching up to me. 

"I love it. Welcome to the word Selene Von Touran and Helios Von Touran" Maliki whispered noticing that I was drifting off. 

"I love you Maliki" I mumbled as I rubbed my head against his chest.  

"I love you too Oscar, you should get some rest, I'll be right here when you awaken" Maliki soothed as another yawn left my lips.

Chuckling Maliki started humming the sound and vibration of his voice lulling me into a deep sleep as my wolf started the healing process. I had no idea how long I would sleep for but I knew I was safe with my Maliki. 


-Maliki's POV-

As Oscar fell asleep I stopped humming as to not jostle him. He needed his rest after all. Looking down at my son and daughter I felt love and the urge to protect them from the world. As second-generation vampire-werewolf hybrids, they were sure to become powerful. But for now, I would give them all the love I could as they deserved it. 

As they were born in wolf form I was quite curious to see their human forms but that could wait. They were very cute in this form.  And Oscar I was so proud of my mate he was stronger than he knew. A light knock at the door pulled me out of my thoughts. Taking a defensive stance in front of my mate and offspring as the door opened I hissed at the person who came through. 

"Being a father really does chance people" My mother giggled at my father who in turn stuck his tongue out at her. 

"Sorry, I thought you were intruders. I'm still on edge" I apologised stepping out of the way so they could get a closer look at their grandchildren. 

"They're adorable, I guess they were born as wolves because that was easier for Oscar's body" My mother pondered as she looked down at her granddaughter and grandson love signing in her eyes. 

"What did you both decide to name them," Asked my father as he practically melted from his grandchildren's cuteness. 

"Selene for the girl and Helios for the boy," I said smiling as my father nodded his head in approval. 

"It seems we have some more visitors" My mother chuckled as Alphonse and Dawn peaked through the door.

"Come in you to I'd like you to meet Selene and Helios" I spoke gesturing for them to come closer. 

"Congratulations" Alphonse whispered and I heard a lump form in his throat as he looked down at Oscar's sleeping form as the pups nursed. 

"They'll be gorgeous when they take their human forms" Dawn spoke as fresh tears fell down her face. 

Nodding in thanks I felt like I was floating on a cloud, never did I think I'd be lucky enough to have a mate as special as Oscar. After Oscar made a sound of discomfort I chased everyone away in case he woke up. But he didn't and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I wanted him to rest while his body was healing. 

"I love you my little wolf" I whispered as I looked down at my world. 

The Vampires little wolf (Von-Tourn Vampire series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now