Chapter 16

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-Maliki's POV-

I was beginning to get bored with the discussion of the council was having over Frederika's punishment. I had better places to be than we a bunch of stuffy council members. By my mate's side for one. 

"Are we all in agreement that Lady Frederika's punishment will be banishment from the council and her titles will be stripped away" Lord Atlas spoke with a sigh the dragon shifter just as irritated as I was. 

"Yes," the other council members replied in unison. 

"Guards please fetch Lady Frederika from the cells so that she may receive her punishment" Lord Atlas ordered a guard from beside the door. 

"Is this punishment acceptable Lord Maliki?" The faerie representative asked as she tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Yes, Though if she comes after my mate even after all of this I will see to it that she meets a swift death by my hands" I stated leaving no room for any of the council members to argue with me. 

"As you wish Lord Maliki" Lord Altas conceded as he ran a hand over his face, no doubt he was getting bored of this meeting as well. 

We were then draped in silence as we waited for the guard to come back with Lady Frederika. As the guard's opened the door I bearly held in a hiss as my eyes locked onto the witch. She had been bound in shackles that prevented her from using any of her magic. 

"Lady Frederika you have been accused of interfering with another species and threatening the mate of a high ranking vampire, how do you plead" Asked the werewolf representative a low growl emitting from his chest. 

"Not guilty" Frederika spoke as she locked eyes with me in a clear challenge. 

I bearly held in my snarl and Lord Atlas began to speak. 

"As punishment, you are to be stripped of your titles and rank and you are to leave the council immediately" Lord Atlas announced in his most dominant voice. His voice sounded like a booming roar in his anger. 

"You can't do this to me" the witch shrieked as she struggled against the guard who was holding her. 

"This is the decision of the council, guards take her away" The werecat representative dismissed with a feline hiss as his mouth curled in distaste. 

As she was pulled out the witches eyes never left mine as if she was promising she would be back. Let her come after us I will kill her without a second thought. No-one gets to harm my mate and get away with it. 

Once she was gone I turned back to the council members gathered. They all looked exhausted. It had taken them quite a long time to come to a decision and I knew that they just wanted to return to their homes and mates. 

"That adjourns today's council meeting" Lord Atlas grunted as he stretched out his joints popping as he did so. 

As the council members left it was only myself and Lord Atlas left in the council chamber. We got on well due to the fact he was a fire dragon and my gift was fire. 

"My friend, I am sorry I couldn't put her to death, but if she comes for your mate again you are in your rights to kill her in defense of your mate" Atlas spoke as we both stepped into the middle of the council room. 

"Thank you for everything old friend but now I must return to my mate" I replied offering him a small smile. 

"You'll have to introduce me to your mate one of these days" Atlas chuckled running a hand through his fiery red hair as his amber eyes glowed in interest. 

"When our child is born perhaps you and Lady Azul can visit our home," I said grinning as Atlas' face lit up at the mention of his mate. 

"Wait isn't your mate a male, who is he expecting" Atlas questioned as confusion lit up his face. 

"It is his omega genes apparently both male and female omega werewolves are able to get pregnant" I answered smiling softly as Atlas nodded in understanding. 

"Well until then Maliki, I bid you farewell" Atlas spoke patting me on the back before he took his leave no doubt returning to Lady Azul. 

The two dragon shifters had been friends of the family for a long time as they were born around the same time as my parents first child. So we grew up around each other and would meet for formal balls and have playdates and the like. 

Shaking my head to get rid of my thoughts I heaved a breath as I prepared to teleport home. Visualising my fathers' study I made the connection before I felt my body warp. Arriving at my father's study I sniggered as he jumped at my sudden appearance. 

"For fuck sake warn someone if your gonna teleport in front of them" My father shouted, he looked pissed as hell. 

"Sorry father, I just thought I should warn you first, Lady Frederika the witch was behind the attack, she had been stripped of her title and banished from the council. But she may try to attack us soon I doubt she will give up on Oscar that easily" I explained the situation. 

"First Hunters and now this" My father sighed his age showing as he leaned back in his chair. 

"Hunters" I demanded I hated the fact that they often invaded our territory to hunt the creatures who called the forest home. And now that Oscar regularly roamed the woods as a wolf I feared for his safety. 

"Yes Hunters, Alphonse reported a snared deer and a few traps. He and Dawn already dismantled the traps but the hunters still worry me" My father spoke as he tapped on his chin. 

"Don't worry father I will see that they never set foot in our territory again" I stated my vampiric side coming alive as I felt the thirst for blood gnore at my throat. 

"At least take your siblings this time," My father said with a chuckle. 

"Fine" I responded before I left his office. 

As I gathered Luna, Cassius and Drake all three were raring at the chance to hunt some humans. I would see Oscar later this evening but I needed to make sure the wood was safe for him. With a final hiss, we descended into the forest the four of us moving silently as we searched for our prey. 

Humans were always so noisy when the invaded the forest. It took us no time to find their camp. Luckily there were four of them so we wouldn't be scrapping over the prey. The forest was alive with screams of terror as we descended from the trees. I loved hunting with my brothers and sister it was a fantastic bonding opportunity. 

As we got rid of the filth my mind went back to if Oscar was ok. I couldn't wait to have him in my arms again. My little wolf, My love, my mate, my everything. 

The Vampires little wolf (Von-Tourn Vampire series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now