Chapter 4

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-Oscar's POV-

I snuggled into my mate as his scent filled my nose. My wolf purring in content as his scent wrapped around me.  I had fallen asleep after I had bitten my mate. At the thought of biting him, I felt a deep satisfaction within my being as my wolf purred. It hadn't been a mating mark as I had used my fangs instead of extending my teeth into my canines. 

I was a wolf, an omega. How was I a vampire my mother told me that my father had died? At the thought of my father I whimpered, my alpha had told me he was the reason the pack was getting attacked before he jumped into the fight and died. My pack, my family had all been wiped out and the Alpha Chris had shown up battle-weary and pissed. The alpha had then captured me and brought me across the country away from where I was born. 

I don't know how much more of his torture I could've taken and then saying that he waited to mate me forcefully. 

"Hey, don't cry your safe" Maliki stated as he lifted my chin and turned my head to face his. 

My mate had pitch-black hair that sat as a mess on top of his head, and blazing violet eyes which were looking at me with tenderness. The frown caused my heart to ache because he cared. A sudden chill in the air caused me to shiver. 

"I'm cold" I complained as I snuggled under his clean-shaven chin. 

"Oscar, sweety turn around" Maliki instructed gently. 

Removing my face from under his chin I turned to look at what he was staring at. A shocked gasp left my lips as I looked around the room. There were spikes of ice all over the room. It looked like a frozen fire as the spikes had different lengths. 

"What's going on," I asked scarred only to gasp in surprise as the ice grew further with my emotions.

"It is your gift" Maliki answered giving me a reassuring smile as I turned to face him. 

"My gift," I said confused as my wolf whined in my head. 

"Mine is fire, look" Maliki replied as he clicked his fingers together and a small flame appeared in his hand. 

The red orb in his hand looked alive as it fluctuated to Maliki's breathing. 

"What exactly is a gift," I asked no longer panicking as the ice disappeared. 

"A gift is special to every vampire, we have enhanced senses and strength sure but the gift is individual. It's a power that you learn to use and harness so you can protect yourself" Maliki explained as he extinguished the fire in his hand. 

"Why am I only now manifesting a gift" I questioned tilting my head to the side as my wolf let out a whine of confusion. 

"It could be because your vampire abilities manifested after I found you. Maybe your body couldn't handle the change without your mate" Maliki offered, kissing my brow gently. 

"I'm glad you found me" I sated my wolf purring in agreement. 

"Me too little one, now the doctors are waiting to check you out again, don't worry I'll be right here" Maliki responded as he gestured for people to come in the room. 

As they came in my hackles rose as my wolf growled in warning, I may be an omega but I was capable of defending myself when I needed to. I felt my eyes burn as my wolf snarled warningly at the newcomers. I looked on confused when they took a step away from me their eyes looking on in fear. 

I didn't want to be poked and prodded I'd had enough of that. Baring my teeth I welcomed the shift as it coursed through my body. Standing over Maliki I curled my tail over my back and flattened my ears to my head as I growled at the two doctors. 

Hands through my fur had my tense muscles relaxing as Maliki manoeuvred himself so he could scratch behind my ears. Dropping my head in his lap I eyes the doctors as they came closer snapping at their hands when they reached out to touch me. I only wanted my mate to touch me. 

"Oscar, they need to cheek you up, please" Maliki pleaded as he looked into my eyes with concern. 

With a whimper, I nodded and let the doctors get closer, but one wrong move and I would bite. I focused on Maliki's hands as he scratched over my head allowing the doctors to check my movement and the injuries beneath my fur that had healed after drinking blood from Malik. 

As the checked my head, the nervousness came back as the female doctor stared at my eyes. Opening my mouth to check my teeth I fought the urge to bite her hand. 

"You're doing great Oscar, nearly done" Maliki praised as he grinned down at me, though his violet eyes flashed brightly at the male doctor who checked my belly.

I whined happily at his praise my tail softly thumping against the bed. Getting praised by my mate caused a happy emotion to overtake both myself and the wolf. Though this emotion was replaced with anger and pain as the female doctor stuck a needle into my flank. 

Whipping around with a snarl I caught her had before she managed to pull away. Tightening my grip I growled as I punctured her skin. The metallic taste of her blood filled my mouth as she let off a screech. 

"Come on dear that's no way to treat a doctor" A feminine voice spoke. 

Looking behind the doctor I let go of her hand as my mouth hung open. The doctor pulled her hand away quickly and cradling it to her bosom. The woman that had entered was beautiful, she wore a red dress as her black hair cascaded down her back. Her light violet eyes fixing me with a warm look.

"He's just scared mother, he is going on instinct, no doubt his wolf is trying to protect both him and myself. And he has just suffered severe torture, getting stabbed with a needle he's bound to respond like that" Maliki defended as he pet through my head fur to calm my nerves. 

"I can see that, one eye the gold of his wolf and one eye red showing his vampire heritage, Instinct is right, his mind is all over the place" the woman agreed. 

"We just wanted a blood sample to learn his heritage" The male doctor apologised bowing his head toward the woman and Maliki. 

"I'll finish that" The woman stated simply as she walked over. 

Growling in warning I pressed closer to Maliki as I bared my teeth. No more I just want to be safe.

"I know sweetheart, you are safe with my son, he is your mate and you are his. I won't harm you. I just need some blood and then no more prodding" The woman promised. 

Putting my teeth away I watched as she drew the blood before pulling out the needle and handing it to the female doctor. Who took it in the hand I hadn't bitten. I liked this woman she seemed genuine. 

"My name is Celeste, dear Oscar you and my son should retire to your room" Celeste spoke with a knowing tone before she walked away. 

"Come on then Oscar," Maliki said as he picked me up in his arms and held me close to his chest. 

Once we were in Maliki's room I calmed drastically as my mate's scent swirled around me. Shifting back as he put me on the bed I didn't care I was naked as I rolled in his scent. 

"I thought we'd have more time before your heat" Maliki grunted as his eyes feasted on my body, growing dark with lust. 

Whimpering as a heat spread through my body I blushed as I realised I was producing slick. Getting ready to take my mate so he could fill my womb with his seed. Tonight I was going to give my innocence to my mate. Moaning as Maliki crashed his lips to mine I raked my nails down his back. 

The Vampires little wolf (Von-Tourn Vampire series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now