Chapter 8

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-Oscar's POV-

I licked my chops as we walked back to the house, my wolf having finally relinquished control. We couldn't talk to each other but I could feel his emotions and his wants and needs. He could also take over when I was in wolf form though it didn't happen that often. He just wanted to hunt with his mate. 

"Oscar honey when we get back I need to do some research, so I'll be leaving you in the care of my personal maid Dawn" Maliki spoke as his fingers continued to curl in my neck fur. 

I nodded though a whine left me at the thought that he wouldn't be with me all day. 

"Don't worry, I should be finished with my business in about an hour or two" Maliki soothed in a calm voice. 

"Ok," I said as I shifted into my human form as we neared the door to the mansion, shivering as the cold air hit my naked skin. 

"Here take this" Maliki offered, handing me his noble cape. Which he had put on when we had left the room to get food.

Taking the fabric from him I lifted it to my nose, sniffing the garment delicately I purred as his scent infiltrated my nose. Wrapping it around my neck I clasped the button and pulled it around me so that I was shielded from the elements. 

"Your so beautiful you know that" Maliki stated as he stepped forward and placed a kiss on my forehead. 

"No ones ever called me beautiful but you" I replied smiling up at my mate enjoying the intensity of his violet eyes. 

"You'll hear it for the rest of our lives together" Maliki assured taking Oscars face in his hands. 

"I'd like that" I responded my eyes slipping closed as Maliki leaned down and brushed his lips over my own. 

"I hate to interrupt Lord Maliki but your duties await," Said a servant making me growl in annoyance at being interrupted. 

"Thank you, Alphonse, please take Oscar to my quarters and tell Dawn that she is to keep him company" Maliki ordered the servant though a smile was present on his face. 

"As you wish sir" Alphonse replied nodding in reverence. 

"You should shift into your wolf as he takes you to our room, I don't want wandering eyes looking your way" Maliki hissed in concern. 

Grinning I let go of his cape and shifted back into my wolf. The cape rested nicely on my back and I barked happily as I looked up at Maliki. My tail wagged as a grin appeared on his face. 

"This way Lord Oscar" Alphonse said as he held the door open for me.

"Go on Oscar I'll be back soon" Maliki smiled kissing me between my ears before he left through the doors of the house. 

I felt my ears droop as I watched him walk away. The urge to chase him and stay by his side was very strong. As I was about to run after him Alphonse spoke up. 

"Come now, Lord Oscar I have to get you back to Lord Maliki's quarters," Alphonse said softly.

Nodding I followed after the old vampire, now being able to see him as I was too engrossed in Maliki to pay him any mind. He was tall and wore a suit. His eyes were clear blue and his hair was brown with greying streaks. I wonder just how old this vampire is to have grey in his hair. 

"Your eyes are quite unique in this form Lord Oscar" Alphonse stated, trying to make small talk. 

I flicked my ears in his direction to show him I was listening. I couldn't mind-link those who was not a wolf, I just wasn't strong enough yet. I would come into my strength the longer I was around my mate, I had heard from another omega about it. She was my friend and I knew she was dead.

"What is your Gift Lord Oscar," Alphonse asked as he held up his hand and let electricity to weave between his fingers.

Snorting a laugh I stopped dead in my tracks. Placing both my front paws down with purpose I breathed out focusing on what I wanted to create. My tail started wagging as I spotted the sheet of ice through the corridor up to the ceiling.  Some snowflakes where also crystalised in place. 

"This is beautiful" Alphonse whispered his blue eyes wide in surprise. 

Barking I jumped onto the ice and started to glide over it. I had no idea how I was keeping my balance but I had a feeling it was because it was my ice. 

"Very good sir" Alphonse praise as he skated up next to me. 

I liked this old vampire he was fun. As we skated down the hall I caught the scent of Maliki's room. Digging my claws into the Ice I skidded to a stop just outside of the door. Yipping at Alphonse I released my control of the ice causing it to mist away. 

I laughed in my head as Alphonse tripped over the vanishing ice. Here was this proper servant skating across magic ice and falling over his own feet. 

"I see we are here, please go in I will have Dawn come over momentarily," Alphonse said nonchalantly as he brushed off his trousers and opened the door for me. 

Nodding in thanks I walked into the room, wagging my tail when I realised the soiled sheets had been removed from the laundry basket and fresh sheets were on the bed. Walking towards it, I jumped onto the bed. curling up into the middle of it I sighed at the softness of it all. 

Just as I was about to drift off I heard a knock at the door. I barked in greeting not feeling like shifting just yet. I watched in concentration as a young vampire woman entered into the room. 

She was short and curvey. Her red hair fell in curly waves down her back as her warm brown eyes took in my wolf form. Rolling around on the bed I got my self tangled in the cape around my neck. 

"Here let me help you, Lord Oscar, I'm Dawn" The woman spoke with a light laugh as she walked over and helped me to lay the garment back along my back. 

Tilting my head to the side, I sniffed at her scent and my tail started wagging. She smelled like the woods and flowers. It reminded me of my home. Suddenly bittersweet memories played through my eyes. I whined in sadness at what I had lost, my mother, my best friend and my pack. 

"Are you alright perhaps you could shift and we could talk about it" Dawn offered as she got off the bed and found a closet where she threw me some underwear and a shirt. 

Catching the clothes I shifted quickly, putting on the clothes just before Dawn turned around. 

"Hi," I said before stretching out my muscles. 

"Aren't you adorable" Dawn squealed as she pulled up a chair, while I stayed on the bed.

"Thank you" I replied feeling my cheeks heat up as I blushed. 

"Now why don't you tell me what's on your mind," Dawn asked a gentle smile on her face. She looked like she was in her early twenties but she could be hundreds of years old for all I knew. 

"I lost my mother, my friend and my pack in an attack and I was captured and tortured for two weeks before Maliki found me. I found out that I'm a hybrid and now need blood to survive. And now I learn that I'm being targeted for reasons I don't know" I whimpered feeling my cheeks get wet as I finally allowed myself to cry. 

"Let it out sweety, you can't bottle all this up it's not healthy" Dawn stated offering me a calming presence as I continued to cry. 

"You're not going to laugh at me for being weak," I asked remembering when one of my packmates would laugh at me for not being as strong as he was. 

"Oh honey, crying isn't a sign of weakness, It's a sign that someone has been strong for far too long" Dawn answered before pulling me into her arms and patting my back. 

Everyone here was so friendly I hoped they wouldn't change when they found out I was able to give birth. As I finished crying Dawn laid me in bed and pulled the covers up. Leaving the room as I fell asleep. I hope that when I wake up I can make friends with both her and Alphonse. 

The Vampires little wolf (Von-Tourn Vampire series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now