Chapter 7

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-Maliki's POV-

I rubbed my mate's knee to calm him down as he seemed afraid of my father. I could tell he was having an internal battle over both his wolf and vampire instincts. Leaning closer to him I felt him shiver as my lips stopped just short of his ear. 

"Calm down little one, my father won't hurt you" I soothed nuzzling my nose into his hair as a comforting gesture. 

"That's right son, I bear you no ill will. We are family now after all" My father spoke good-naturedly before placing a kiss on my mother's cheek. 

"Okay," Oscar said timidly his lips pulling up into a shy smile. 

"There we go dear control those instincts of yours," My mother said gently a full smile pulling at her lips. 

Nodding my mate cuddled further into my side before he sat up straight getting a handle on his submissive instincts and the aggression of his vampire half. 

"So dad, mom what brings you here for dinner," I asked knowing that my parents often ate together alone unless they were hosting a formal dinner. 

"I am here to ask Oscar about his dream" My mother stated her words piquing my interest as I remembered my mate waking up in tears earlier. 

"What about it," Oscar asked nervously as his eyes darted back and forth and his tongue darted over his lips. 

His response had a cold shiver climb up my spine. 

"Can you tell us what it was about" My mom prompted gently her eyes encouraging as she looked at my mate. 

"Please If there's something wrong I need to know how to protect you" I whispered in his ear as he let out a small whimper. 

"Okay" Oscar sighed as he stared at the table in front of him. "First it was my father leaving my mother, then it morphed to the attack on my pack and finally Alpha Chris said that he wasn't the only one after me" Oscar explained his voice shaking at the end of his explanation.

"Who could be after you," I asked my eyes darting from my mate to my parents as panic started to claw at my gut. 

I had only just found my mate I wasn't about to give him up anytime soon. The vampire in my snarled at the thought that someone was after him. I promised him he was safe and I was not about to go back on my promise. 

"Your mate has the power to unite our kind with that of the wolves, his power comes from being a hybrid" My father stated, as his jaw clenched as anger started to ooze out of his pores. 

"Surely they would leave him alone now that he had mated," I said petting through Oscar's hair as his form started shaking.

"I doubt that son, your mate is very special and bad people will always want what isn't theirs" My mother spoke her tone full of knowing. 

I loved her but sometimes the woman infuriated me. She could read the minds of people as far as the borders but this time it felt like she was speaking from experience rather than the minds of those near. I wanted to know more but I decided against asking as I spotted my mother shaking her head ever so slightly. 

"I'm safe right, you won't let anyone get me" Oscar whined the sound more wolf than human as his wolf pushed through his mind in his stressed state. 

"No, I will try to make sure you are always safe" I vowed, burying my face into his hair as his scent became wilder. 

"I believe you" Oscar replied though his scent kept pulsing with his wolf. 

"Are you alright baby?" I asked as I tilted his chin to look at me, his eyes swirling with a mix of gold and red. 

"I need to shift" He whimpered as his teeth elongated into canines. 

"Go ahead," I said knowing that a wolf would often need to shift after mating especially if their mate was another wolf. It would because his wolf wanted to spend time in his four-legged form with his mate.

I watched in amazement as my little wolf shifted into his pure white wolf. Once he was shifted he kicked off the clothes that still clung to him. When he lifted his head to look at me I was transfixed by his miss-matched eyes. The wildness that he gave off exciting and soothing me. 

"It seems your mate's wolf wants to hunt with you" My mother chuckled as Oscar whined impatiently nipping at my fingers. 

"I'd love to, I'll lead you out and then we can hunt. We can worry about who's after you later" I said laughing as my mate yipped. His tail wagging excitedly as I lead him out of the kitchen and through the halls of my home. Which I hoped Oscar would soon think of it as his home too. 

As I opened the door I laughed as Oscar jumped onto the grass rolling onto his back and showing me his belly. His wolf's submission to me was instinctual due to his omega status. 

"As much as I love seeing you on your back, you don't have to submit to me, your my mate we an equal," I said as I approached my little wolf enjoying his eyes feasting on my form. 

With a confused Whine, Oscar rolled over before standing up. Pitching his ears up before he charged into the forest. His tongue lolling out of his mouth as he ran. Following after him I kept pace with him easily enjoying the feeling of running with him. 

As he slowed down I did the same eyeing him curiously as he crouched low his haunches coiling and ready to strike. Looking ahead I spotted a fawn that was left in a thicket by its mother. My fangs elongated as I felt Oscar's bloodlust pulse through our newly formed bond. 

I let Oscar make the kill smiling proudly as he easily killed the little fawn. I didn't feel any guilt as this is how things were. It kill or be killed. As Oscar brought the kill to me I decided that I would make sure he was safe from the danger that was coming for him. No one would take my little wolf. He was mine and I'd kill anyone who dared try to take him.  

The Vampires little wolf (Von-Tourn Vampire series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now