Chapter 19

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-Oscar's POV-

"Oscar are you sure you are okay out here, you look nearly ready to pop" Luna stressed as her brow creased in worry.

"I'm fine plus, Alphonse and Dawn are just a few paces behind us," I said as I noticed their scents behind us in the trees. 

I was getting bored with being inside and asked Luna if she would accompany me as Maliki was busy making sure all the furniture he asked for was in our new house. Maliki agreed as he trusted his younger sister to help protect me if the need arose. Which I rolled my eyes at but I was happy for her company. 

"We're all gonna miss you when you move out" Luna stated as we continued down the trail I had marked out as good to walk in my human form. 

"I know but we can visit each other all the time" I chuckled trying to put the vampire at ease. 

I had grown fond of my mates' siblings as we stayed here but I was ready to make our own home as we welcomed our pups. I was ready to just start living the quiet life with my mate and pups and Alphonse and Dawn for support. 

As we continued walking a strange scent reached my nose, it smelt familiar but I could not place it. My wolf was growling in worry in my mind as he caused me to partially shift expecting a fight. At his worry, I decided I should inform Maliki. 

"There is a strange scent in the forest, my wolf is on edge" I spoke into the mating link between myself and Maliki. 

"Run, Oscar, I'm coming but I need you to run" Maliki ordered panic in his voice causing me to whimper at his obvious distress.

"Why" I whimpered not understanding why I needed to run and my hormones affecting my judgement.

"The witch has come to get you for her experiments, you need to make sure she doesn't catch you" Maliki hissed with effort as if he was using all of his speed to reach me. 

As the words left his lips I felt myself shrink into my wolf form so I could run faster with being heavily pregnant. Turning towards the direction of the house my paws dug into the dirt as I took off running. I was slower than usual but I knew I had to get away. Maliki had angered this witch when he said she couldn't have me and even I knew witches held grudges. 

I heard Luna beside me hiss as she was blown away from me in a gust of wind. Turning around I growled as the witch came closer. Her hair wild and her eyes showing so much malice and hatred I cringed away. 

"Oh you are round with his spawn, this will make your vivisection even more interesting" The witch laughed as looked over my form. 

Baring my teeth I created spikes of ice under her feet. Though it was not successful as she moved with the magic and dodged though she did bleed from some surface wounds. 

"Excellent, show me more hybrid, show me more of the abilities I will be taking when I kill you" The witch sneered the murderous intent in her eyes unmistakable.

Lightning zipped past me from the left and hit the witch in her leg causing him to screech in pain though she was still standing. I didn't dare show my relief that I knew he and Dawn were with me as the witch eyed them with a scowl. 

I could hear Maliki getting steadily closer to us as well as Luna got to her feet and hissed at the witch. 

"You should not have come here Fredrika, the council was lenient with you. But lord Atlas said if you interfered with My mate again I could kill you" Maliki snarled as he came out of the trees behind the witch small flames coming off his body. 

As Maliki got closer the witch stopped paying attention to us so Alphonse picked me up and jumped into a tree so we were out of the way. Looking down in the clearing below my heart raced as I watched Maliki square off against the witch Fredrika. 

Maliki charged first two daggers made of flame appearing in his hands. The witch met him head-on after chanting body enhancement magic. There blows erupted as magic sparked whenever they connected. My eyes were riveted to the battle as Maliki made lithe subtle movements and quickly gained the upper hand. 

Fredrika tried to flee when she realised she wasn't winning but Maliki pulled her back by her hair exposing her throat and biting into her flesh with his fangs. Blood squirted over him as he drank from the witch before he used his hands to rip her head from her body. Throwing them both to the ground his eyes ablaze with fury. 

"Oscar are you alright" Maliki whispered after he had calmed down his eyes searching the trees where we were. 

A whimper left me in reply as I felt the water leak down my back legs. The excitement and stress had caused my water to break earlier than expected. As Alphonse dropped out of the tree Maliki's eyes filled with concern as he scented the air. 

"Quickly let's get him back, the labour could be swift or short you never know" Dawn sated taking charge as Maliki took me from Alphonse and cradled me to his chest. 

Licking his face I tasted the witches blood and the magic that resided within it. Licking every last trace of it cause Maliki to chuckle in understanding. 

"I love you, Oscar, I hope the witches blood decreases the pain yours about to experience" Maliki whispered as we broke the tree line next to the manor where Celeste was waiting with a worried expression on her face. 

A low whine left my muzzle as I felt my first cramp in my belly. This was going to be long labour I could feel it. As Maliki carried me to the medical wing I was grateful to be a wolf as the painful sensations might have been too much for my human body.

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