Chapter 14

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-Maliki's POV-

I sighed in contentment as I ran my fingers through Oscar's hair as he slept soundly next to me. He was perfect and I was the luckiest man alive to have him as my mate. It was time I made sure that he would always be safe. Gingerly removing myself from the bed my heart hurt as Oscar whimpered in his sleep before he settled down as he buried his face in my pillow. 

Walking over to my dresser I pulled out a pen and some paper. Writing out a note to Oscar to inform him of where I was going. I couldn't bear to leave him but this was a necessary evil. Writing the final words I nipped my thump and pressed the wound to the paper. 

As the wound closed I walked back over to our bed and leaned over Oscar. Placing a tender kiss to his brow before I drew away. Sighing I started to walk away from my mate. As I left our room I came face to face with both Alphonse and Dawn. 

"I am going to the council please tell Oscar that I will be back as soon as I can" I explained before I walked away from them in search of my mother. 

I walked with purpose down the halls as I searched for her. I found her in the library sipping on her tea with a knowing look on her face. She knew what I was about to say before the words even left my mouth. 

"Don't worry son we will all keep Oscar company until you return but you may have to do some serious ass-kissing for leaving when he was asleep" My mother spoke softly her voice reassuring. 

"I'll do as much ass-kissing as he wants as long as I know he will continue to be safe" I replied nodding at her understanding before taking my leave. 

Just before I reached the doors to the outside my father stood in my way. His face full of understanding and concern as his red eyes gleamed in the barely lit hall-way. 

"You make sure the council knows to stay away from Oscar or they will have war, Oscar is family now and we will all fight to make sure he's safe" My father stated holding his sword out in a clear sign he was ready to fight if the need arose. 

"Thank you father, I must take my leave now. Wish me luck" I responded gratefully before I walked around him to the outside of the manor. 

As the scents and sounds of the woods surrounded me I called upon my vampire nature. Visualising the front of the council in my mind. The sensation of the teleportation was disorientating as I appeared at the doors of the council. I seldom used the teleportation skill as I often didn't have a use for it. But time is of the essence here. 

"State your business Vampire" one of the guards growled as both of the door guards pointed their spears towards me. 

"I demand an audience with the council, I am Maliki Von Touran" I snarled bearing my fangs as I let heat radiate from my body melting the tips of their spears.

"Yes, we will inform them of your arrival right away sir" One of the guards stuttered in horror knowing I have burned creatures alive for their disrespect. 

Flames licked around my skin as I tried to control my temper but the display of power made the council guards warier of me. They should be afraid one of the council members was using puppets to try and steal my mate. It took five minutes before the doors opened and the guards let my walkthrough. It was tense as we made our way to the council room. With a deadly grin, I pushed open the letting my fingertips scorch the wood is a sign of anger. 

"Lord Maliki please we understand you are angry but please try not to set the council room on fire" the vampire representative spoke in fear no doubt knowing I would do it if I felt like it. 

"Why shouldn't I, someone on this council attacked my mate through a rouge puppet. I pissed as hell yes my mate is a hybrid but that doesn't mean he is a prize to be won" I hissed bearing my hangs as my body heated up in rage flames stretching towards the guards who jumped away in fright at the possibility of being burned. 

I watched the faces of the council members, the vampire, a werewolf, a witch, a werelion, a fairy, a demon and a sprit in human form and the greatest member of the council a dragon shifter. Nearly all of their faces held surprise but the witch was reserved as if she was annoyed that I had called her out. 

"What proof do you have of this" Asked the werewolf representative searching for the facts. 

"I have a werewolf in my custody, my mother Celeste can read minds and he is being shielded from her my a witches magic. 

"Lady Celeste can read all minds and if not there must be nefarious proceedings in the words" The dragon shifter stated as he rose from his chair. His impressive height and build making all eyes turn to him. 

"I have come today to say that my mate is safe with me and my family. He isn't an experiment and if you continue to come after him the Touran house will demolish this council. My mother and father helped build this place but even they know when it's time to get rid of corrupters" I spoke strongly as steady my fists by my side as my nails dug into my palm to keep from lashing out again. 

"Serena cast a zone of truth spell to please," The dragon shifter asked the spirit who nodded before bringing her hands up and chanting out the intricate spell. 

"I Atlas Von Igneous command whoever went after Lord Maliki's mate to reveal why" The dragon commanded smoke coming from his nostrils.

"Fine I did it, I sent that wolf to retrieve Lord Maliki's mate, the boy is an anomaly he is a hybrid capable of doing all the things of the two species that make up his genes. So far hybrids have favoured one parent genes. He is a valuable specimen he needs to be studied" The witch blurted out before smacking her hands over her mouth. 

"Oscar could have been seriously injured fighting that wolf you're lucky he recovered. Sir Atlas may I request have Fredrika the witch charged for interfering on another species territory and attacking my mate" I said my anger blazing as I stared down the witch with killing intent. 

"Yes she will be charged, guards please take her to her quarters while we discuss her punishment" Atlas ordered and no sooner had the words left his lips the guards were already dragging away the screaming witch. 

It was time for me to make sure Oscar was always safe and the council would burn if they tried to take him from me. Atlas was understanding because as a dragon he would be the most possessive over his mate. Hell, I'm pretty sure if he was in my situation he would have already killed Fredrika. Turning to look at the dragon shifter I knew I was in for a long discussion I just hoped I wasn't away from oscar to long.   

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