Evil Like Me

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Giselle POV

Giselle POV

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(What Giselle's hair looks like^^)

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(What Giselle's hair looks like^^)

I rolled my eyes as I watched Carlos and Jay fight over candy while Evie tried to put blush on Mal. I saw a remote and grabbed it, curious about what would happen. I pressed a button on it and the shade that seperated us from the driver rolled down, "Look!", Evie yelled. We all looked to see that we were at the border of the Isle, which just so happened to have a broken bridge at the end of it, "It's a trap!", Carlos yelled. We all started screaming in fear of going into the water before I opened my eyes to see that we weren't falling.

"What just happened?", Carlos asked as we all calmed down, realizing we weren't going to die. Evie smiled, "It must be magic", she said excited. I leaned forward to look at the driver, "Hey, did this button open up the barrier?", I asked him holding up the remote I found. He shook his head, "No, this one opened up the barrier", he said holding up his own remote with one sigular button, "That one opens my garage. And this one...", he pressed a button in front of him and closed the shade again. I scoffed, "And I thought we were the mean ones", I joked. Mal laughed, "I like that guy", she said and I laughed shaking my head at her.

It wasn't long before we arrived at Auradon Prep and heard music playing. The driver came around and opened the door for us, causing Jay and Carlos to spill out of the car fighting over something, "You got everything else. Why do you want this?", Carlos yelled. Jay stood over him and tried to take it from his hands, "Because you want it", he argued as Evie, Mal and I climbed out of the car behind them.

The musicians that greeted up parted as a woman walked towards us, two teenagers following her. I glared at the boys, "We have an audience", I said before turning back to the woman. Jay smiled at her, "Just cleaning up", he said before pulling Carlos to his feet. The woman smiled at us, but I could tell it was a fake smile, "Leave it like you found it. And by that I mean just leave it", she said. Jay and Carlos sighed as they tossed all of their goodies back into the car.

Jay saw the girl and smiled at her, "Hello, foxy. The name's Jay", he said, trying to flirt with her. She laughed awkwardly before the woman stood in front of her, gaining his attention again, "Welcome to Auradon Prep. I'm Fairy Godmother. Headmistress", she introduced herself. Mal and I exchanged a look, "The Fairy Godmother? As in Bibbidi-Boppidi-Boo?", she asked. Fairy Godmother smiled, "Bippodi-Boppodi you know it", she confirmed.

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