Night Falls

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After getting the amulet, the six VKs walked back towards the barrier, seeing as they had to go over the bridge this time since the pirates took their bikes, "All right. Get in, get out", Giselle told them, "Jay, you good?", she asked, looking over at her friend that had the remote for the barrier. Jay nodded and pulled out the remote as they all stepped up to the invisible barrier. He pressed the button allowing the five of them to step through. As soon as Giselle stepped through, she noticed that her once red top was now a dark green, the rest of her clothes remained the same though.

Mal laughed a little, "Whoa, got a little Enchantress going on there", she joked. Carlos looked at the amulet in his friend's hand, "That thing really packs a punch, huh?", he joked surprised that this changed her appearance a bit. Unbeknownst to the others, Gil and Harry rolled through the barrier just before it closed, only getting their attention when they laughed and cheered at their successful escape, "Hey, guys. We're just coming for a wee visit", Harry smirked. He and Gil tried to walk past them, but we pushed back by Jay and Carlos. The pirates pushed back, knocking Carlos into Giselle and making her drop the amulet.

It fell over the bridge and Giselle gasped as she tried to reach for it, "No!", she cried out. The amulet almost fell into the water, but was suddenly caught as a tentacle rose out of the water, "Drop something?", Uma taunted as she smirked at Giselle. The soon-to-be-Queen looked at her enemy desperately, "Uma, please. It's very fragile. I need it back before it gets broken", she yelled to her, only eliciting a laugh from the sea witch's daughter.

Harry and Gil both smiled at her, "Uma", they called out, pleasantly surprised at seeing her again. Uma smirked at the boys, "That's my name", she said before sinking back below the water again. They all looked around in the water for her, but saw no signs of her, "Hello, boys", the VKs turned to see Uma standing on the bridge behind them, the amulet now hanging around her neck along with her seashell necklace.

Harry laughed as he walked to stand next to her, but Gil looked at her sadly, "Uma, you swam off and forgot all about us", he said. Giselle crossed her arms, "Yeah, planning her revenge, no doubt", she muttered. Uma scoffed and glared at the red haired girl, "It's not all about you, Mal. I was looking for a hole in the barrier to let everybody out. And you know what I found, boys?", she turned back to her friends, "It's way better out there than we thought there's this thing that looks like a furry rock called a coconut. And fish so big you could dance on their backs. And they've been keeping it all for themselves", she told them.

Giselle rolled her eyes, "Whatever, Uma, I need that amulet to break a spell", she told her and held out her hand for the amulet. Carlos nodded, "Cast by Audrey, Sleeping Beauty's daughter", he added. Uma looked at them, "So the good guy is the bad guy?", she asked then laughed, smirking at Giselle, "Well I might not give it back. Let's we what happens", she said. Giselle was getting angry at her now, "Uma, this is not the time for games! Peoples lives are in danger!", she yelled.

Uma stepped back to the edge of the bridge and took the amulet off from around her neck, "Guarantee me that every single villain kid who wants to can get off the Isle", she propositioned. Giselle shook her head, "I can't do that", she told her. Uma shrugged, "Can't do that?", she quickly dangled the necklace over the edge of the bridge, "How about now?", she yelled glaring at Giselle. Desperate for her mother's amulet, Giselle took a step forward, "Deal. Deal", she promised, trying to keep her face straight so they couldn't tell she was lying.

Uma chuckled and moved like she was going to drop the necklace, "Uma!", Evie called out, stopping her in her tracks, "Her word is good", she promised her. Giselle felt horrible that she lied to her best friend about the Isle kids, but she thought she had no other choice. Uma looked over at Giselle then back at the amulet, pulling it back from the edge and placing it back around her neck, "I'll still keep this for the time being. Because if you think I trust you to save the world on your own, think again. This is a job for pirates", she said, cheering with her two friends.

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