Long Live The Queen

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(Her hair is styled like that but it's still bright red)

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(Her hair is styled like that but it's still bright red)

Today was the day that we were going to get the kids from the Isle. While I was very excited, I still can't help but worry about when Uma is going to resurface. Lately, I've been spending most of my time, flying over to keep an eye on the kingdom. Oh yeah, ever since my whole transformation at the Cotillion, I've been able to do that a lot more and have gotten a better handle on my magic. At the moment, I was standing on the balcony keeping a look out, when I felt hands around my waist. I gasped at the sudden touch before relaxing and turning to face my boyfriend.

We smiled at each other before I looked back over the water, "Not tentacle in sight", I told him. He nodded, "I think if Uma was up to something, we'd know by now", he tried to assure me. I shook my head, "No, Ben. I know how villains think. And I don't trust Uma as far as I can throw her. She's gonna wait until our defenses are down and then that's when she's gonna strike", I sighed before using my binoculars to look closer, "I just wish I had time for a flyover. I could get a much better look", I said.

He lowered my binoculars, making me look at him, "Well you can't be everywhere at once. Besides, I've got your back", he said as we looked up to the castle walls to see dozens of guards keeping watch, "Now, come on, everyone's waiting", he said grabbing my hand. I stopped him in front of me, "But you're getting more guards right?", I asked him. He nodded at me, "I'm getting more guards", he confirmed before smiling at me, "Now, breathe", he said. I smiled and took a deep breath as we went to greet the crowd waiting for us.

We smiled and waved to everyone as we walked past them and the band started playing. We walked up on a platform and I was about to walk down then Fairy Godmother stopped me, "Oh, stay", she said, so I listened to her. She looked at the crowd, "Bippidy-boppidy, one, two, one, two. Can everybody hear me?", called into the mic checking it. Jane laughed as she held Carlos' hand, "Yes", she said as everyone cheered. Fairy Godmother handed the mic to Ben who looked at everyone, "What's up, Auradon! Thank you, thank you so much for coming out to welcome out new arrivals. They'll be here soon. It worked out pretty well for the first five", he said.

"Yeah, especially for you", I heard Chad yell out and then saw Audrey glare at him. Ben turned to me and held my hand, "Giselle, this is the exact spot we first met not so long ago. I feel like I've known you my whole life. But did I mention I'm in love with you?", he asked before Doug grabbed a guitar and started playing while Ben started singing. All my friends, as well as, Fairy Godmother, Belle and Beast started humming along.

I met this girl who rocked my world like it's never been rocked
And now I'm living just for her and I won't ever stop
I never thought that it could happen to a guy like me
But now look at what you've done
You've got me down on my knees

I looked around seeing everyone's smiling faces before turning back to Ben and gasped. Suddenly, he was on one knee in front of me as he handed the mic to Carlos and pulled out a small box, "Giselle, it's you and me. It's you and me forever. Will you marry me?", he asked as he opened to box to reveal a beautiful ring with a red stone in the center, "Will you be my queen?".

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