Set It Off

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Ben and I were in the carriage on the way to the castle for the coronation

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Ben and I were in the carriage on the way to the castle for the coronation. He waved and smiled at the cheering crowd as we passed but I just sat next to him, just wanting all of this to be over. He must have noticed my apprehension because he grabbed my hand making me look up at him, "Don't be nervous. All you have to do is sit there and look beautiful. No problem there", he said with a smiled. I smiled at him, "Thank you", I said before looking back down.

"Giselle, would you wear my ring?", he asked me, making me look at the ring in question. It was a gold ring with the Beast symbol on it, his most prized possession. I nervously pulled my hand back, "Not right now. It would probably just fall off", I told him, before grabbing the brownie with the anti-love spell that I made, "I have something for you", I said. He smiled, "For me?", he asked as I handed him the small box. I nodded, "Yeah. It's just for later, you know, when you need strength. Some carbs to keep up your energy", I lied as he opened the box.

"Always thinking", he said with a smile, "But I can't wait", he said as he took a bite of it before I could stop him, "Mmm, this is really good". I looked at him nervously, "Do you feel okay?", I asked him. He nodded, "You bet", he confirmed. "Would you say that you're still...that...that you have very strong feelings for me?", I asked. He shrugged, "I'm not sure. I mean, let's give the anti-love potion a few minutes to take effect", he said. I nodded and looked back to the front before I realized what he said and looked at him again, "Wait, what?".

He laughed a little, "You knew?", I asked him. He nodded, "That you spelled me? Yeah. Yeah, I knew", he said. I was terrified that he would hate me at this point, "I can explain...", I started but he shook his head. "No, look, it's fine. I mean, you had a crush on me. I was with Audrey. You didn't trust that it could happen on its own. Am I right?", he asked. I sighed in relief that he didn't hate me, "Yes. Exactly right", I laughed, covering it up, "So, how long have you known?", I asked him.

"Since our first date. Your spell washed away in the enchanted lake", he told me. I looked down at my hands, "So what? You've just been faking since then?", I asked. He gently grabbed my hand and slipped his ring on my finger before kissing the back of my hand, "I haven't been faking anything", he promised me. This whole time, I thought he stuck around because of the spell, but he really did care about me.

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