Break This Down

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I stood in Audrey's room with her grandmother, Ben, his parents and Fairy Godmother as we waited for the guards to bring my mother here

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I stood in Audrey's room with her grandmother, Ben, his parents and Fairy Godmother as we waited for the guards to bring my mother here. Well, I wasn't really standing as much as nervously pacing. I was making my rounds when I felt myself being pulled into a strong and comforting embrace as Ben tried to relax me, which he's always able to do. Just as I had calmed down a bit, we heard a soft knock on the door and Ben's dad opened it, stepping back to reveal a bunch of guards. I heard chains and saw my mother being walked into the room with cuffs around her wrists, "Well, isn't this a party", she said, smirking and looking around.

I stepped forward to greet her, "Thank you for coming", I said, trying to hide my nerves. She looked at me and I could see something in her eyes that I'd never seen from her before, love, "Of course. It's you", she told me. I heard Ben step forward behind me, "Can you wake her?", he asked my mother. She just scoffed and glared at him, "Since when do heroes care about villains?", she asked. Ben looked over at Audrey, "She's..."

"One of your own? When you guys try to destroy the world, you're just having a bad day. But when its one of us? Lock 'em up and throw away the key", she said before looking over at Ben's father, "Isn't that right, Beast?", she asked smirking. She looked down at the chains on her wrists and sighed, "You know, I'm gonna need to use my hands", she told us. I looked over at Ben to see what he said since he is the king and he nodded for the guards to uncuff her.

Once she was freed, she held out her hand to me gesturing towards the amulet around my neck. I took the necklace off and handed it to her, her eyes flashing white as soon as she held it in her hands, "Ooh, much better", she smirked. She started to walk over to Audrey, stopping in front of Ben's dad, who was glaring apprehensively at her, "Aw, don't be like that, Beasty. Without me you wouldn't have met your beauty", she told him smugly.

I rolled my eyes at her, "Mom", I scolded her. She looked over at me and shrugged, "Well, it's true", she muttered before walking to stand at the foot of Audrey's bed. She placed the amulet around her neck as a soft white aura started glowing around her. She closed her eyes and stretched her hands out towards Audrey, causing the girl to be engulfed in the same white light. When the light dissolved around both of them, Audrey quickly sat up, allowing us all to breathe a sigh of relief. Queen Leah embraced her granddaughter, before Audrey looked over at Ben and I, "Tell me it was all a bad dream?", she asked us, clearly remembering everything she did and feeling guilty.

Ben looked at her, "I wish I could. But, it's over now", he told her, looking over at my mom who just scoffed and rolled her eyes. Audrey crawled to the foot of her bed to get closer to us, "I'm sorry. I wanted to hurt you both", she told Ben and I before looking at everyone else, "I wanted to hurt all of you", she told us sadly. I stepped closer and gently grabbed her hand in mine, "Audrey, I have owed you an apology for a long time", I told her, as a small smile appeared on her face. Ben stepped up behind me, "So have I", he agreed, making Audrey feel relieved that we didn't hate her for what she did.

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