First Day of School

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"If someone hands you a crying baby, do you, A)Curse it, B)Lock it in a tower, C)Give it a bottle, or D)Carve out its heart", Fairy Godmother asked us

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"If someone hands you a crying baby, do you, A)Curse it, B)Lock it in a tower, C)Give it a bottle, or D)Carve out its heart", Fairy Godmother asked us. Evie raised her hand quickly and she called on her, "What was the second on?", she asked. Fairy Godmother sighed, "Anyone else?", she asked the four of us. She looked at me, "Giselle?", she called on me, probably because I really didn't want to answer. I sighed, "C) Give it a bottle", I told her. She smiled at me, "Correct. Again", she confirmed.

Carlos looked at me, "You are on fire, girl", he laughed. I shrugged, "Just pick the one that sounds the least fun", I told them and they nodded. "That makes so much sense", Evie whispered to herself. A girl came squealing past us and up to Fairy Godmother, "Hello, dear one", she greeted the nervous girl. She handed Fairy Godmother a clipboard as she kept looking back at us, "You need to sign off on early dismissal for the coronation", she said.

Fairy Godmother smiled as she signed, "Everyone here remembers my daughter Jane", she said. Jane looked at her mother nervous, "Mom", she whispered, clearly scared to be around us, "It's okay. Jane this is everyone", she introduced. Jane looked at us, "That's okay, don't mind me, as you were", she said and squealed as she ran out of the room. I looked over at Mal and she had a look on her face that meant she was thinking the same thing as me.

Fairy Godmother smiled at us, "Lets continue. You find a vial of poison", she said dramatically, "Do you, A) Put it in the king's wine, B)Paint it on an apple", that made Evie, Mal and I laugh quietly to each other, "Or C) Turn it over to the proper authorities?", she questioned. Evie, Jay and Carlos all raised their hands but Jay forced Carlos' down. Fairy Godmother called on Jay, "C) You turn it over to the proper authorities", he said. Carlos slapped his arm, "I was gonna say that", he complained. Jay started mocking him, "But I said it first", he said before putting him in a headlock, "Come on, who said it first? Who said it first?", they started fighting.

I rolled my eyes at them while Evie checked her makeup in her mirror and Mal continued to draw in her notebook.


In between my classes, I went to my locker with Evie. She noticed my bow in my locker, "I can't believe you actually brought that", she said. I shrugged and grabbed it, "It's my favorite bow. I never go anywhere without it", I reminded her. She looked at her schedule, "Oh shoot, I'm gonna be late for science", she realized, "See ya later Elle", she said walking away. "Bye", I said as she walked away and I went back to my locker. I put my bow back in there and grabbed my books for my last class. I closed my locker and jumped a little to see Ben standing behind it, smiling at me, "Hey", he said. "Hi", I greeted him as he leaned on the locker next to mine.

"How was your first day?", he asked, seeming genuinely interested. I scoffed, "Just fantastic", I said sarcastically. "I noticed your bow. You do archery?", he asked. I shrugged, "As you know, my father is a very experienced hunter so I picked up a few things from him", I told him. He smiled, "Well we do have an archery club. I could talk to the coach and sign you up", he suggested. I noticed Jane walk by me nervously, "What do you think?", he asked me. I looked back at him, "Thanks, but I think I can handle myself, Beasty Boy", I said before walking after Jane. I saw Mal at her locker and grabbed her arm, taking her with me, "You got your book right?", I asked her.

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