Chillin' Like A Villain

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On her bike, Giselle rode up to the edge of Auradon before stopping. She pulled out the spell book, "Noble steed, proud and fair, you shall take me anywhere", she recited as she put the book back in her bag and took a deep breath. She wasn't sure how strong her magic was yet so she hoped that this worked. She started her bike back up and started riding full speed until her bike started riding over the water. She glanced back at the kingdom before she looked back at her home. She gasped as she rode through the barrier and down the streets of the Isle. She rode through crowded alley ways, only stopping when she saw a poster that someone had defaced of the Royal Cotillion.

It was a drawing of her and Ben but someone drew an eyepatch and beard on Ben and crossed her face out. She smirked as she tore down the poster and crumpled it up, tossing it over over shoulder. She kept riding until she arrived at her and the VK's former hang out. She got off of her bike and threw a rock at the lever to open the door. She climbed up the stairs and looked around the area that still had all of Mal's artwork on the walls. She smiled as she walked around, looking at everything, her smile growing wider when she saw her quiver and arrows.


Back in Auradon, Ben was in his office working on details for the cotillion, "Debra", he called into the phone. "Yes, Your Majesty", his assistant called over her end. "Can you ask Lumiere call me regarding Cotillion?", he asked. "Yes sir", she responded quickly. Evie knocked on his door as she opened it, "Ben?", she called. He looked up and stood when he saw who it was, "Evie, Mal. Come in", he said with a smile. The two girls looked at each other, deciding who was going to tell him before Mal nodded, "Ben, Giselle went back to the Isle", she told him.

He looked at them shocked as they walked over to his desk, Evie handing him the letter that she found, "Ben", she said quietly as she sadly handed him back his ring that was next to the letter. He quickly opened it and read it, shaking his head, "This is my fault. This is my fault. I blew it. She'd been under so much pressure lately and instead of being understanding, I just went all beast on her", he said before getting an idea, "I have to go there and apologize. I have to go there and beg her to come back", he said.

Mal shook her head, "Ben, you'll never find her. You need to know the Isle and how it works, and...", she started before looking at Evie then back at the king, "You have to take us with you", she told him. He nodded, "Yes. Uh...are you sure?", he asked them, not sure how they would feel going back there. Evie nodded, "Yeah. She's our best friend", she said looking at Mal, who completely agreed with her, "And we'll bring the boys too because there's safety in numbers and none of us is really too popular over there right now", she added.

Ben looked at them, "Thank you", he said. Mal looked up at him, "But let's get two things straight. You have to promise us that we won't get stuck there again", she said worried. He nodded, "I promise", he told them, genuine to his word. Evie looked at his clothes, "And there's no way you're going looking like that", she said.


Giselle walked down the street until she got to Lady Termaine's hair salon, Curl Up and Dye. She saw the sign on the door that said the store was closed until midnight but through the cracked door, she heard music playing. She walked up the stairs to see Dizzy Tremaine, sweeping the floor and listening to her music. Giselle smiled as the girl finally noticed her, "Giselle!", she yelled excited as she ran over and hugged her, "Is Evie back too?", she asked. Giselle sighed and shook her head, "No it's just me. I forgot you guys don't open up until midnight. Place looks good", she said as she looked around.

"So has your grandmother given you any customers yet?", she asked the young girl. Dizzy shrugged, "Just a witch here and there. Mostly it's a lot of scrubbing and scouring and sweeping. Lots and lots of sweeping", she told her. Giselle scoffed, "Sounds like the old Cinderella treatment", she said. Dizzy nodded, "Yeah. She's gone from wicked step mother to wicked grandmother", she said. "That's not really much of a switch. Hey, Dizzy. You used to do Evie right?", she asked her.

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