What's My Name

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Giselle slammed Carlos' door shut as she burst into his room to escape from the reporters and paparazzi trying to take pictures of her. She started pacing back and forth, panicking about all of the attention she was getting now. She turned to look at the tv and quickly turned it off seeing that it was playing the same report as before. She was close to hyperventilating as she felt her powers course through her and her eyes turned white, before she calmed her breathing down. Carlos saw and got off his bed to check on her, "Woah, easy Elle", he said trying to calm her.

She looked at him, "What? You think this is so easy? You don't have people taking a picture of you every single time you open your mouth to say Boo! I mean, not that I could even say boo but, you know...", she rambled. He sat back down, a little scared of her ramblings, "Okay", he muttered. She sighed, "Carlos, don't you ever miss screaming at people and making them run away from you?", she asked him. He scoffed, "You're thinking of my mother. And I was usually on the other end of that. So, not really, no", he said, before remembering what she was there for, "Oh, hey. Did you bring it?", he asked.

She nodded and started to open the box before they heard the door slowly open. They turned to see Chad sneaking into the room, clearly not realizing that the room wasn't empty until he was already in the room, "Hi", he said and laughed awkwardly, "Just came to use your 3-D printer. Won't be a sec", he said. Carlos looked at him confused, "How'd you get a key to my room?", he asked. Chad looked at the key, "Oh, I printed it off last time I was in here. You guys were sleeping", he said, as Giselle tried to hold in her laughter at Chad's craziness, "Look, I just...you printer's so much better than mine. And you installed these hacks. And everything runs so much smoother than mine", he defended.

Carlos pointed to the door, "Out", he said, "Now". Chad rolled his eyes, "Fine. Fine", he said starting to walk out. "Chad", Carlos called, making the prince turn to face him, "Leave the key", he said frustrated with him. Chad sighed and placed the key on the desk before leaving and slamming the door. Once he was gone, Carlos looked at Giselle again to see she was lost in thought, "Elle", he called, bringing her back, "My potion", he reminded her.

She nodded and took out the gummy, "Yeah, here it is. I followed the recipe in Mal's spellbook directly", she told him. He smiled at it, "So this thing will make me say what I really feel to Jane?", he asked her. She nodded, "Yeah, It's a truth gummy, so...take it or leave it", she said as he was about to grab it, "Hold on. Are you sure you wanna take this? Because this is going to make you say the truth all the time, no matter what. The only reason I'm asking is I know that if I took this, I would get myself sent back to the Isle. Not that that isn't super unappealing right now, but you know....", she rambled again.

He nodded and shrugged, "Yeah, I'll take my chanced, I guess", he said. Before Carlos could grab the gummy, Dude ran over and ate it, scaring Giselle, "Oh, bad dog", she said as he jumped back onto Carlos' bed. Dude shook and the two VK's heard him groan, not like a dog but like a human, shocking them. "Man that think was nasty", he said, making Giselle and Carlos look at him with wide eyes, "And you? You just gotta man up. And while you're at it, scratch my butt", he said. Giselle thought that all of her responsibilities were getting to her heard and that she was hallucinating the talking dog, "You heard him. Scratch his butt", she said before turning and leaving the room. Carlos looked at her, "Elle? You're just gonna leave me with him?", he called but she was already gone.


Back on the Isle, Uma came out from the kitchen of her mom's restaurant to give her friend Harry his food. She rolled her eyes at the TV that was playing the news report of Giselle and Ben, "Poser", she yelled as she threw food at the TV. "Traitor", Harry agreed as he sat next to her. Uma glared at her pirate crew that was taking over the restaurant, "Hello", she yelled to them. They all started throwing food at the TV too, "I'd love to wipe the smiles off their faces", he said. Uma rolled her eyes at the blonde next to her, "Gil", she said making him turn to look at her, "You wanna quit choking down yolks and get with the program?", she asked.

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