Do What You Gotta Do

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Me and my friends were busy getting ready for Jane's birthday party at the Enchanted Lake

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Me and my friends were busy getting ready for Jane's birthday party at the Enchanted Lake. Carlos, Evie, Mal and Jay were inside packing all of our stuff while I stepped outside to make sure our bikes were ready. Suddenly, I saw a cloud of pink smoke with Audrey stepping out of it. When I saw her, it was clear she stole the Queen's crown and Maleficent's scepter, "I was hoping you were home", she said with a smirk. I looked at her confused, "What are doing with the crown and the scepter?", I asked her.

She shrugged, "Well, I wanted them, so I took them. You of all people should understand that, Giselle", she said. She was about to do a spell with the scepter, but I stepped forward, "Wait, Audrey, stop!", I yelled, "Don't use that", I told her. She looked at me, "I thought you liked spells", she said, still stuck on the bad things I did in the past. I sighed, "Okay, Audrey, look. You're better--",

"Quiet!", she yelled as she turned away from me. I stepped towards her again, "It's not a toy. It's dangerous", I said, remembering all the stories I heard on the Isle about the scepter. She whirled around and glared at me, "I want to be dangerous! My life was perfect until you stole it. And then Auradon turned its back on me", she said as she started walking away, "It's time for a little pay back". I knew I couldn't let her just leave like that, "Audrey, wait!", I yelled. As soon as I said that, she turned around with a smirk and did a spell with the sceptor.

I braced myself for whatever she was throwing at me as I heard her cackling. When I looked back down at myself, my hands were wrinkled and my once bright red hair was now a dull grey, "You think Ben will love you now, you old hag? You'll pay the price for what you did and so will all of Auradon", she yelled as my friends and Celia all ran out, hearing the commotion, "So long suckers", she said as she disappeared into the cloud of smoke again.

Jay ran over to help me, but reeled back when he saw what Audrey did to me, "You might wanna think of a spell for that", he said nervously. Mal shook her head, "There's no spell that can reverse the curse of the scepter", she told them all. Carlos looked around, basically anywhere but me, "Well, that's a shame", he said. I looked up at them, "Forget about me. Audrey's out for revenge. And all of Auradon is in danger", I told them. Evie nodded and looked at me, "What should we do?", she asked. I looked over at my friends, "The only thing more powerful than the The Enchantress' amulet", I told them all.

Jay scoffed, "Yeah, like she's just going to hand it over", he said frustrated. Evie nodded in agreement, "And no one knows where her hideout is", she added. Celia stepped forward, "I do. I'm her errand rat. I've got the key at my dad's", she said. I nodded to her, "You're coming", I told her. The girl groaned, "But I just got here", she whined.

"Elle?", I heard and turned to see Leanne, Dizzy and the twins standing in the doorway to the house. Dizzy screamed when she saw my appearance, holding the twins close to her. Evie ran over to the other VKs, "Dizzy, Leanne, stay here to take care of the twins. We'll be right back and everything will be just fine", she told them before sending the guys to go get their things.

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