My Once Upon A Time

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With Ben leading the way, the group waited until nightfall to sneak over to Fairy Cottage, hoping to surprise Audrey. When they reached the house, Ben burst open the door, allowing the rest of them to rush in, only to find the cottage was empty. Jay quickly ran upstairs but came back down when he found nothing, "She's not upstairs", he reported back to his friends. They all looked around, looking for some kind of sign of where she went when suddenly they heard a knock from the cupboard in the kitchen. Ben unlocked the door and saw someone curled up in a ball on the floor, "Chad?", he questioned, confused.

"I want my mommy", Chad whispered out as he clutched his knees. Ben reached down to help him, but the blonde flinched away before Ben reassured him that he was safe, "What happened, buddy?", he asked gently as he helped Chad to his feet. Before he answered, Chad quickly looked around, clearly terrified, before relaxing as he realized that Audrey wasn't there. He finally realized it was Ben that helped him, "Ben. Ben!", he yelled, clutching the king's jacket, relieved that he was rescued, "She's really gone? And the doors open. That means I'm free!", he yelled, running out the door and far away from the cabin.

Giselle rolled her eyes while Harry laughed loudly at the spectacle they had just watched. Uma sighed as they all left the cabin to figure out their next move, "Let's get this Audrey chick taken care of already", she said, making Giselle laugh in agreement, "What do you say, girl? Time to wrap things up?", she asked the girl with a smile. Ben smiled at them and put an arm around Giselle, "You know, someday you're gonna have to tell me how you guys all got teamed up", he said. Evie smiled and stepped closer to the red-haired girl, "Actually, Giselle promised to let all the kids off the Isle once this is over", she said, causing Giselle's heart to beat faster.

Ben looked at her confused, "Elle?", he asked his fiancée, knowing that they had decided on the complete opposite. Giselle took a breath and decided it was time to come clean to everyone, "I have to tell you guys something", she started as she turned to face them, "Um...I lied to you. The kids won't be coming off the Isle", she said, shocking everyone except Ben. Jay shook his head, "What do you mean?", he asked her confused. Giselle looked at her friends sadly, "The program is shut down. And the barrier...will be closed for good", she said. Ben nodded slightly, "For Auradon's safety", he added, trying to help her.

Uma stepped up to face her, "Hold up. So we're saving your precious people and your behinds for a lie. I knew it was a mistake to trust you. You're always out for yourself", she said, breaking Giselle's heart at the fact of losing Uma's trust again. Harry walked closer to Ben, trying to be mad, "And you, King're probably just gonna throw us all back inside", he whispered the last part, sadly. Celia stepped forward, towards Giselle, "You know what? I actually thought you were brave. But you're nothing but a chicken. Too scared to tell me that I was never gonna see my dad again", she said with tears running down her cheek.

Before Giselle could say anything, Celia ripped the amulet from Giselle's neck and threw it to the ground before crushing it with her boot before storming off. Giselle gasped and quickly got down on the ground to collect the pieces, "No, no, no", she held the broken amulet in her hand and closed her fist around it, "Regain your might and unite. Regain your might and unite!", she yelled the spell, but nothing worked.

Her mother's amulet was broken.

She turned to Uma for help, but her seashell necklace didn't light up like it did before, "Bummer", she said to her, "Let's go find Gil and leave them all to rot", she told Harry, the two pirates walking away. Giselle felt everything crumbling around her. Not only would she lose her new friends, but she would lose her brother now too. She sadly turned to see Evie stepping closer to her with so much betrayal in her eyes, "Evie. I'm so sorry. I just...I thought that... I was afraid to tell you. I thought I was gonna lose my best friend. But I had to do something. I had to protect Auradon", she said, trying to reason with her.

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