Rotten To The Core

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Once upon a time. Long, long ago...well twenty years ago. Belle married her Beast in front of 6,000 of their closest personal friends. Yeah, so instead of a honeymoon, Beast united all of the kingdoms and got himself elected King of the United States of Auradon. He rounded up all the villains, and sidekicks...basically all the really interesting people and he booted them off to the Isle of the Lost with a magical barrier to keep them there. This is my hood. No magic, no wifi, no way out...or so I thought. Oh don't worry, you'll meet us soon. But first, this happened...

Ben stared out the window as he was getting fitted for his coronation outfit. All he ever wanted to do was help people  and now as King, he would finally have his chance. "How is it possible that you're going to be crowned King next month. You're just  ababy", Ben's father laughed, snapping Ben back to reality. His mother smiled at him, "He's turning 16 dear", she reminded her husband. Ben smiled at his father, "Hey, pops", he greeted. Beast shook his head, "16. That's far too young to be king. I didn't make a good decision until I was at least 42", he told his son.

Belle gave him a look, "You decided to marry me at 28", she said. "Well it was either you or the tea pot", he joked but Belle rolled her eyes. Ben took a breath and looked at his parents, "Mom, Dad. I've chosen my first official proclomation" he started, causing his parents to smile at him, "I've decided that the children on the Isle of the Lost be given a chance to live here in Auradon. Every time I look out to the island, I feel like they've been abandoned", he said.

Beast looked at Ben, "The children of our sworn enemies? Living among us?", he asked, not sure what his son was thinking. Ben nodded, "We start out with a few at first. Only the ones that need our help the most. I've already chosen them", he assured them. "Have you?", Beast asked, starting to get angry, but Belle grabbed his arm. She looked at her husband, "I gave you a second chance", she reminded him, making him calm down, before looking back at her son, "Who are their parents?", she asked.

"Cruella DeVil, Jafar, The Evil Queen, Maleficent...and Gaston", he said the last name nevously. Beast grew angry when he heard the name, "Gaston?! The man that tried to kill me?!", he yelled. Ben put his hands up, "Dad, hear me out here", he said, trying to reason with his father. Beast shook his head, "I won't hear of it. They are guilty of unspeakable crimes", he yelled. Ben looked at Beast shocked, "Dad, their children are innocent. Don't you think they deserve a shot at a normal life?", he asked but his father was silent, "Dad?", he asked again.

Beast looked to his wife who gave him a soft nod. He sighed and looked at Ben again, "I suppose the children are innocent", he agreed. Belle smiled and stood in front of her son, fixing his jacket, "Well done", she whispered to him. Ben smiled, proud of himself for standing up for himself and walked to the window as his parents left the room. He always wondered what life could be like over on the Isle.

Meanwhile over on the Isle, Mal, the Daughter of Maleficent was spray painting a wall

"They say I'm trouble
They say I'm bad
They say I'm evil
And that makes me glad"

Her friend Jay, Son of Jafar jumped off a rooftop,

"A dirty no-good
Down to the bone
Your worst nightmare
Can't take me home"

Evie, Daughter of the Evil Queen, strutted across a table,

"So I got some mischief
In my blood
Can you blame me?
I never got no love"

The Son of Cruella DeVil, Carlos, stepped out of a window and stole an apple from a little girl

"They think I'm callous
A low life hood
I feel so useless

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