Chapter 1

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"Here you go, Miss Kim. Your facts report, employee report, stock report, and status report," said Miss Jones, her secretary.
"Oh, thank you. You can set it here," Miss Kim replied, finally looking up from her desk.
"Are you going to stay the night again?" Miss Jones asks, concerned. "I know we are a little behind, but it's not healthy for you to stay up all night," she also added.
"Don't worry, I won't stay long,'' she told a little fib. "You can head out first," she said to her secretary. As Miss Jones reluctantly set the stacks of binders down at the edge of her desk before heading out. "Oh, also can you inform one of the security to go check the surveillance camera in room 308 again. Thank you and have a good night, Mala," she finished off before Mala had finally shut the door behind her.

She then let out a tiny sigh and quickly signed off the paperwork before she grabbed the reports from her desk. This wasn't her first time staying late to finish off the last bits of work. She grew up in a wealthy and loving family, who never pressured her to do anything, but only told her to be happy and have a stable life, which defaulted in her mind as doing well in school, going to college, and having a high paying, well-stable job to receive a fulfilling life. As she matured over the years that was her main focus. Now at the age of 25 and still single the day she was born, she is working as the CEO of her parent's well-known company.

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