Chapter 16

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After she finished, she exited her office and said, "Mala, can you handle this and hand these to the workers."
"Yes," she said and got up from her desk. "Oh, did you hear the latest news? Steven Yan, the well-known and rich businessman from Taiwan, had arrived here today," Mala informed her.
"Steven Yan," she said as she hears about him, he was a 27-year-old young man who inherited his father's company and became big all around the world, selling wine, but I also hear that he is a player who has tons of "side chicks" yet never officially called them his girlfriends.
"Well, I better hand these out," Mala said and left.

Lunchtime had arrived as Meng had forwarded her the address of the restaurant that Don had sent to him. She headed out and reached the fancy restaurant that has giant clear windows to view the city with an open rooftop and outdoor din. As she was parking her car, she saw Meng waiting for her.
"You didn't have to wait for me out here, you could have waited inside," she said once she reached him. He just smiled and didn't say anything. "Did Don arrive?" She asked.
"Yeah, he is inside," he said.
"Well, we better go inside," she said as they walked to the entrance, but then someone cleared their throat and she turned to see a young man with sunglasses, sitting outside drinking wine as he tilted his glasses down before winking at her. She glazed away, but he looked familiar.

"Oh, Elina, come sit here," said Don as he got up and pulled out a chair for her, but before she could take a seat Meng slightly pushed her aside and took the seat.
"She can sit there," Meng said as he didn't want her to sit by Don, but across from him.
Before Don could say anything, she said, "That's fine." She sat and set her purse down. "Umm, excuse me. I have to use the restroom," she said before heading to the restroom. Once she steps foot out of the doors, she bumps into someone, "Sorry," she said, trying to make her way without giving it any thought who it was. However, the person followed her move as he blocked her. "Excuse me," she said, looking up to see that man who winked at her.
"Sorry, am I blocking your way?" He said cunningly. "My apologies," he added before taking his sunglasses off. As she felt like she had seen him before but where? "The name is Steven Yan," he said before sticking his hand out to greet her as it clicked in her head, the well-known businessman from Taiwan. She just smiled and tried to walk away, but then he asked, "Would you like to grab a glass of wine with me?"
"Sorry, but I don't drink," she said before slipping past him. She arrived back at the table to find the waiter standing there as Meng and Don were ordering for her.
"She would like...," the waiter said.
"Hot tea...,'' Meng said.
"Sprite...," Don said as they both answer at the same time.
As she awkwardly entered the conversation and sat down, "umm, I take a glass of water," she said to the waiter, trying to avoid any favoritism.
"Alright, I'll be back shortly with your drinks," the waiter said.
After a while, they finished eating their quiet meal and made their way out as Steven Yan said out loud to Elina to hear, "I hope I get to see you around." As they all turned their attention to his direction while he was smiling and waving at her, but then Meng pulled her behind him and both Meng and Don shield her. Steven Yan smirk before saying, "I guess I have some competitors to beat."
Meng grabbed her hand and pulled her away as Don awkwardly followed them. Once they arrive at the parking lot, Meng lets go of her hand. "Umm," he tried to say, but Don had finally reached them.
"Umm, thank you for inviting me to lunch," Elina said to Don. "Next time, it's on me," she added.
"Alright, I'll be waiting then," he said. "Well, I should be heading back. Please drive safely," he said.
"Thank you, you too," she said. Don departed, leaving Meng and Elina by themselves.
"Sorry, I broke the contract," he finally said.
"Um, it's okay. It can be a first warning...," she said flustered.
"First warning. How many warnings do I have left," he teases.
"Don't you have work to go to," she said quickly.
He chuckled before saying, "well, bye little workaholic. Don't overwork yourself. I'll see you later."
"What! I'm not a workaholic," she said flustered as he was already walking away and waving goodbye. Her face was hot and red as her heart was beating fast.

As she was working in her office, Mala informed her that her father wanted to see her in the main lobby. She heads down to see her father with another young man. Once she reached them, the young man turned around as she saw Steven Yan, smiling at her.
"Hello, you must be Elina," he said, smirking.
"Yes, this is my daughter. She is the one who runs this company mostly." Elina's father said. "This is Steven Yan," her father introduced him to her. "His father and I used to do business with one another, but we had lost contact, so I wanted you to meet with his son," her father added.
"It's nice to meet you," she said in a well-mannered tone.
"He wanted to talk about funding his business and other matters," her father said.

Soon after Steven and Elina were in a meeting room, talking about work matters as she tried to stay in task. "Do you have any questions about these papers?" She asked.
"So why are you making it sound like we didn't meet before," he cunningly said.
She forces a smile to act professionally before saying, "Sorry, but this work-related meeting, so if you don't have any questions about this matter then please wait until this is over."
"You are an interesting person," he said as if it was a pickup line.
"Yes, I know. I already have heard that before," she said, not looking up from the papers.
"And did it work?" He asks, immersed.
"It seems to be so," she said professionally. "So do you have any other questions relating to this matter?" She said one last time.
"Let me guess, it must be one of the men you were with today. Is it the one you walk away with?" He said.
"Please sign here," she said, completely ignoring his idiotic question. After he finished signing, "Alright, thank you for your cooperation, but please excuse me. I have other work matters to deal with," she said before getting up with all the paperworks in her hands.
"Is that so," he said, smiling. "Would you mind having dinner with me?" He asked.
She turned back and said, "sorry, but I'm not one of your girls you can take out. This relationship is a business relationship and nothing more. Please excuse me." She exited the room and headed back to her office, but then Steven grabbed her wrist roughly.
"Well, let's see about that," he said cunning before leaving.

The time had come when Meng arrived at her office to walk her to her car after she finished off her last bits of work. "Are you ready to go?" He asked.
"Ah, yeah," she said, getting up and grabbing her purse.
"What happened to your wrist?" He said as he noticed a red mark on her wrist.
"Oh, nothing," she said, trying to cover her wrist. They reached their car, he quickly went in his car as she was about to enter her car. "Here," he said, getting out of his car and giving her a medicine balm.
"What's this?'' She asked.
"For your wrist. It might help," he said.
"Thanks, but you carry this around?" She said.
"Well, my mother has put a bag of medicines in my car," he said.
She smiled and said, "Thank you."

Soon enough one week had ended, which meant their contract had ended as well. They were at the walkway with the oceanview once again to have their end discussion.
"We can extend it to half a week," she said, flustered and lowered her head before trying to walk away.
He smiled and grabbed her hand, "but this time we can hold hands," he said.

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