Chapter 15

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He grabbed her arm and pulled her back as his face was leaning to hers. "So please, would you give me a chance," he said.
"Umm...," she was lost of words and looked him in the eyes.

"Alright, I'll give you a chance to make me fall in love with you in a week before I reconsider dating you, but no physical contact during this trial with each other which includes no kissing, no holding hands, or no hugging. Also, do not interfere with each other during work hours. This contract will begin tomorrow. Do you agree?" she said, reading off the contract she made up on her laptop as they were in her office.
"I agree," he said.
"Alright then," she said and printed the contract. "Okay, sign here," she said and pointed to the line of signatures. They took turns signing their names on the contracts. "Okay, here's your copy of the contract," she ended and handed him his copy of the contract. "Well then, I'll see you tomorrow," she said.

The next day, she finished half of her workload before heading to lunch. On her way to her car, she saw him, leaning against her car once again, but this time he was smiling brightly and waving at her. "What are you doing here?" She said lightly as she reached him.
"Taking you on break, what do you expect? For now on, I'll be waiting for you by your car when it's your lunchtime so we can get lunch together," he said, smiling.
She lightly sighs and rolled her eye, even though she slight use to his presence now, "Don't you work today?''
"Yeah, but it's also my break too," he replied.
"Fine, where are we going?" She asked.
"Hmm, what do you want to eat?" He asked.
"It doesn't matter," she said as she opened her car door.
"I'll drive," he said.
"Hmm, not today," she said sassy and held the car door. "Just tell me where we are going and I will meet you there, because after we have to go separate ways," she ended and entered her car before rolling her window down. "Okay, so where are we going,'' she asks.
"Okay, I'll tell you but first I never have your phone number,'' he said smiling immersed.
"What? No," she said.
"Well then, our contract won't be able to work," he said.
She reluctantly sighs and says," fine, here." She reached in her purse and pulled out a card.
He says before she hands him the card, "Not your office number, but your cell."
"But I'll also take this too," he said and grabbed the card.
"Fine," she gritted out before giving her number to him.
"Thank you," he said and walked away as her face crinkled in confusion.
"Wait, where are we going-" she tried to say, but then her phone started to ring. "Hello?" She answered.
"Meet you at...,'' said a familiar voice as she looked around to see Meng in his car waving at her before driving off.

After meeting at a simple yet well-known restaurant and heading back to work, Meng said through the phone, "See you later.'' Which gave her an unsettling feeling as she drove back to the company.
Soon enough, Meng reappears in her office at the end of the day. "What brings you here?" She said, finishing one last of work.
"I came to walk to your car after work," he said.
"That's not necessary," she said before closing the binder and her laptop, but he just smiled. She shakes her head and grabs her purse before they head out, even though she was quite fond of his tiny gestures.

Ever since then, Meng will show up by her car to have lunch together and walk her to her car at the end of the day as it became a familiar routine for both of them. Then one evening, her team had created a mass problem on the shipment to South Korea along with machines breaking down as she had to contact the technician. "Alright, please contact me when you figure out what happened, thank you," Elina said before hanging up her phone. Soon after dealing with the person who made the mistake, she had to deal with the paperworks. "Mala, please contact Meng Everest and inform him that he can go home and doesn't need to come by," Elina said to Mala through the phone.
"Yes, Miss Kim," Mala said.
Hours passed by as everyone went home and she was one the only left behind, but then her office's door opened and footsteps entered. She looks up from her work to see Meng standing in front of her desk. "What are you doing here? Didn't I tell Mala to inform you not to come by tonight?" She said, setting her pen down.
"I know, but I didn't want to listen," he said and sat down.
A tiny smile appeared on her face, "well, you will be waiting for a long time?"
"It's fine," he said. "Do you want me to help?" He asks.
"That won't be necessary," she said, but his hand was slowly going toward the paperworks. "Hey, you invited yourself here without permission, so don't bother me," she joked.
"Fine," he whined.

Hours passed while he just watched her work as she was starting to doze off, her eyes slowly closing and her pen started tilting, but then she would wake up again and do the same thing over again. He chuckled before grabbing some paperworks. "Here, let me help you," he said. Soon enough, she was on her last paperwork as she completely fell asleep with her pen standing up, wanting to finish the last paper. He smiled again before getting up and walking to her. He was about to carry her, but he remembered their contract saying no physical contact, so he removed his suit jacket and placed it on her before he carried her to the sofa. "Good night, little workaholic," he whispered to her before he continues working by the coffee table.

Broad daylight had arrived and Elina was still sleeping on the sofa with his jacket on her while he was sleeping on the chair. "Miss Kim," Mala was calling through the phone and was repeating her name over and over until they woke up to find themselves, still in her office as if they forgot. Elina shot up from the sofa and rushed to the phone.
"Uh, yes?" She answered.
"Don Davidson is here and wants to talk to you," Mala said.
"Um, tell him I'll be with him in a minute,'' she finished and quickly sorted all the paperworks and cleaned her workspace with his help.
Then a knock came at her door, "Come in,'' she said.
Don enters her office to see Meng and her in the room. "What are you doing here?" he said to Meng in an unpleasant tone.
"Came to visit as well," Meng answered back with the same tone.
"Um, what brings you here, Don," she said, breaking the tension between them.
"I came here to see you. I also wanted to ask if you want to get lunch together?" He asked.
"Sorry, but she is unavailable," Meng answered for her instead.
She looked at them and wondered what happened to them, aren't they friends she thought.
"I wasn't talking to you," Don said back.
"Well, sorry she is having lunch with me," Meng said as the tension in the air became thicker.
"Okay, we all three can have lunch together," she said, not knowing how to break this tension.
Alright, I'll pick up when you go on break," Don said.
Before she could speak, Meng answered, "That won't be necessary, just give us the address and we'll meet you there."
"Excuse me, I ask her not you," Don said, moving closer to him.
Okay this is getting out of hand she thought before saying, "Give me the address and I'll meet you both at the restaurant,'' she ended the conversation for both of them. "Okay, now both of you please exit my office so I can go back to dealing with my unfinished work," she said. Either one of them wanted to leave first. "Come on, you two. Don't both of you two have to go to work now?" She added and pushed them out of her office.
"See you at lunch," said Don before leaving as Meng did a tiny wave goodbye. She smiled and shook her head before shutting her door. She saw a tiny note from Meng saying that he did most of the work, but she had to do a couple of fill outs and he wrote see you later with a smiley face, she smiled and picked up the tiny note before grabbing all the paperworks.

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