Chapter 9

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"Well, enough talking about me. Let's go back to you," she said, trying to change the topic. "So what happened? Did you go and tell her?" she said, still changing the topic.
"Well, when I went to meet her, she ran off," he said. "I don't know what to do? This is the first time this happened to me," he said, depressed.
"What do you mean first?" she asked.
" Well, I always had the girls chasing me, but this time I have to chase," he said. She rolled her eyes as she couldn't believe what she was hearing.
"ignorance," she mutters to herself.
"What?" he said.
"Nothing," she said, "so what's the matter of chasing the one you love?" she asked.
"Well, I don't know how?" he said.
"Well, maybe first try to meet up with her and try to talk to her before you go all out," she said as she finished eating. "Thank you for the food," she said and left.

The next day, she is at her office, finishing off paperwork. "Miss Kim-" Mala tried to inform me, but my office's door opened and he entered. "Excuse me? What are you doing here?" Elina said. "You can't just come in here without permission," she added.
"Oh really, well your parents said it was alright," he said before seating in front of her desk.
"Is that so?" She said before smiling tensely. "Don't you have work to do?" She asked, still working.
"Well, my mother took 2 weeks off for me for the honeymoon...,'' he said as they became uncomfortable. "So aren't you going to ask me what happened?" He said, changing the topic.
"No," she rejected him. "So please excuse me, I have work to do so I can leave early today," she said and pulled a fake smile.
He smiled before speaking again, "It's alright I can do the talking."
Before she could speak, Mala entered the office, bringing in a load of binders of paperwork. "Sorry for the interruption, Miss Kim, but here is all the paperwork," Mala said before setting it down.
"Thank you, Mala," Elina said as Mala left the room.
She then endured her sigh as she saw Meng in front of her, and picked up the binder from the top. He could see that she was tired out and picked up a binder as well.
"What are you doing?" She asks him as she looks at him.
"What? I'm helping you so you can finish early," he said.
"I don't need your help," she said, rejecting his help.
"Don't you have a birthday party to attend to?" He said, opening up the binder and reading through it.
"Umm," she was lost of words.

Hours later, he had set two piles of binders in front of her and said, "alright, this pile is just reports and numbers data while this pile needs your signature." As she just finished her signing her papers that she was working on.
"Thank you...," she said before pulling in the binders that needed her signature.
"Alright, I'll be leaving," he said as he got up and left her office.
She then felt like she owed him, "Wait, what happened?" She asked

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