Chapter 18

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Three months later, Meng asks, "Let's get married."
"What, we've only been dating for 3 months. Don't you think it's too early?" she said, shocked.
"Well, we did know each other for more than 3 months," he said.
"That only makes it about 4 months," she said and smiled.
"And that works for me," he said.
"Are you crazy? That seems too fast," she said, smiling in disbelief.
"What are you talking about, little workaholic? You wanted to marry me when you barely knew me," he said as if he was mocking her. She made a face and didn't say anything. He smiles and teases her, "are you mad, little workaholic?" He leaned down and kissed her forehead.
"Fine, I agree to marry you," she pouted yet flustered.
He smiles and hugs her before saying, "You know you don't have to if you are not ready, I can wait. I waited for you to agree to be my girlfriend, I can wait as long as you want."
"No, I want to get married to you," she said, shyly.
"Are you sure because once you agree there's no going back," he said, looking at her. She nodded her head as he broke into a smile and kissed her. They both smile in delight.

They called their parents to gather together as one to break the news to them. As they were telling the news of them getting married, her father said, "I disapprove of this marriage," which surprises everyone.
"Honey, what are you saying?" Her mother said.
"Richard, let's talk about this," Meng's father said.
"Sorry, Benjamin, but I'm not letting my daughter marry your son," her father said.
"Dad, why?" Elina said in disbelief that her father who loves her so much doesn't want her to be married to the person she loves.
"How do I know that you truly love my daughter? You didn't want to marry her before, but now you do? How can I trust you? How can I trust that you won't leave her or change your mind at the last second and leave her to pick up the pieces that you left her with?" Her father said directly to Meng as everyone was silent and soon understood why her father was disagreeing with their marriage, he loved his daughter so much to the point it killed him when he saw her forcing herself to work every day to try not to think about what just happened.
"Sir, I'm truly sorry for my actions, but I do truly love your daughter, and every day I want to spend my life with her. How can I prove to you that I truly love your daughter?" Meng said.
"That is for you to prove to me," her father said. "Let's go, you two," he said to his wife and Elina.
"Come now, darling," her mother said to her as she was looking at Meng before her parents were taking her away.
"Son, it's up to you now," his parents said.
He quickly ran to stop them and kneel before her father and said, "Please, sir, I beg you to let me marry your daughter. I promise to love her every day and if I ever make her cry and anger, I will cheer her up and talk it out with her so we don't go to bed upset with each other or sad with each other. I promise to make her smile as much as I can and to be with her every day even if it's 5 minutes or less, I will stay by her side until the end, so please," he begged.
"Please, dad," she also begged her father.
Her father was quiet before saying, "fine, but if you break my daughter's heart or hurt her, I'll ruin your entire life," which he could probably do.
"Thank you, sir. I promise I won't break your daughter's heart or hurt her in any way," Meng said.
"Thank you, daddy," she said and hugged her father. "I love you,'' she said to her father.
"I love you too," her father said.

Months later, as both of them, not just her, were planning the wedding and invitations along with trying out their suits and dresses. This wedding was more beautiful and simple than the other one.
As the wedding day had arrived, seats were filled and the place looked magnificent with flowers glowing. Music started playing and everyone turned their attention to the beautiful bride walking down the aisle with her father. She reached the groom as they held hands in front of the priest. As the priest was opening, once he reached the end he asked, "If any person says they should not be together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace."
At that moment, a woman came down the aisle and said, "I have something to say!"
"Carla?" Meng called out.
"I'm sorry, but I lied to you that I was over you and moved on, it's because I was afraid that you were lying, but I still love you," she said and everyone was silent.
Meng looked at Elina and said, "I'm sorry..." He then looked back at that woman who was the woman he loved before as Elina feared her worst nightmare and felt his hand slipping away from hers. "That you have to remember this as our wedding day," he said and tightly held her hand. "But don't worry, I love you and will never leave you," he said and kissed her while wiping her tears away. "I'm sorry, but it's too late for that," he said to the woman. "I have fallen in love with the love of my life," he said as they continued on with the ceremony.
"You may kiss the bride," the priest announced as everyone was clapping their hands while they kissed each other again before walking out of the church.

Two years later, "You must be tired, little workaholic," he said, once he arrived home to find her opening the doors for him.
"Yeah, probably because you keep calling me that," she teases him as they kiss and then he places his hands on her big tummy.
"How about you? Are you tired? Daddy loves you, little sweetie," he said and kiss her stomach.
The end...

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