Chapter 17

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Then one night, Elina finished her last paperwork as she looked up to see him entering her office, but he didn't show up, so she looked at the time to find it was normal time for him to show up in her office, smiling. She felt weird, not seeing him as she waited for him, but he never turned up until she received a text from him saying, sorry, but I have to stay after to finish some work. Before she could reply back, he texted again, "did you wait for me?"
"No," she replied back as she was blushing and rushed to grab her purse before heading out.

Soon she arrived at his company and entered his office to find him on the phone and papers scattered everywhere on his desk and him holding a bundle of papers as he was stressed out. His suit jacket was off and only wearing his white long-sleeve button-down collar shirt as his tie was pulled down and his hair pushed back. Once she entered his office, he was surprised to see her here and said, "Sorry, let me call you back." He stopped what he was doing and said, "What are you doing here?"
"What? I can't come here and try to help out like you always do," she said, setting her stuff down before helping him out as he was speechless.
"Are you sure you didn't come here because you are addicted to work," he teases her.
"Just because you said that I won't help you," she pouted and sat down on the couch with her arms crossed.
He smiled before saying, "then why are you still here? Are you waiting for me?" As he continued to tease, yet he was happy that she was waiting for him and even showed up at his office. She opened her mouth but closed it as she was flustered and got up to leave, then he said softly, "Thank you,'' which stopped her. She eases herself down and helps pick up the fallen papers on the floor.
She had organized all his papers into separate piles before starting to read them. Hours flew by as he was typing information on his laptop and looking at piles of papers before realizing she was sleeping on his desk in front of him. She had both of her arms crossed in front of her with her head on them. "Thank you, little workaholic," he said and smiled before finishing up.

Couples of days, Elina and Meng continue to have lunch together and walk each other to their cars until one evening, Elina was having a meeting with Mr. James on their partnership with their two companies. "Alright, that's what all I have to say, thank you for having the time to meet with me today," Elina said and shook his hand.
"No, thank you," Mr. James said before heading out. After he left the room, she was picking up the papers and was about to head out until someone entered the room. She looked up from gathering the papers and saw Steven Yan in front of the door.
"Excuse me, but can I help you with something," she said, annoyed.
He smirks before saying, "Let's go out?"
"Sorry, but I'm not your typical girl that falls in your crappy flirting or charm. Also, I made it very clear that this is only going to be a business partnership relationship and nothing more. So if this is the one thing you're going to bring up again, please excuse me," she said and exited the meeting room. On her way out, he grabbed her arm and said, "I'm not finished yet."
"Sorry, but I finished for you," she said and pulled her arm away. "If you are going to continue to use force, I'm going to call security to help you find the exit," she added.
He glared at her and said, "This is not over." Before he stormed off as he never was rejected once but now he got rejected three times and he was not going to let it go.

A few hours later, Elina was finishing up before Meng arrived, but then her office's door slightly opened and a creaking sound followed afterward. "Is someone there?" She said, nervous. However, there was no response, but complete silence. She hesitantly got up from her chair and headed to the door. She slowly opened the door to see nothing, but dim lighting in the entire company as everyone had gone home already.
She stepped one foot out of her office and scanned the area to find no one, but then someone from behind had placed a cloth against her face as she had whiffed of the smell before blacking out.
Meng had just pulled up to her company before seeing Steven Yan carrying Elina to his car. As he quickly restarted his car and followed him in full speed while calling the police, Steven Yan arrived at a motel before getting out and carrying Elina out. Meng pulled beside the motel and hung up on the police before opening and slamming the door behind him and hurried to follow Steven, but then he bumped into someone. "Sorry," he said quickly.
"Hey, watch it," yells the person he bumps into as the person grabs his arm.
"I'm sorry, but I'm in a rush," Meng said quickly again and pushed the person's hand off, but it was too late as Meng lost sight of Steven. He pulls out his phone and dials Elina's number to try hearing her phone ring so he could try to figure out which room she is in.

Soon, in a dim room, she was on a bed as she woke up from the ringing of her phone. When she fully gained consciousness, her phone stopped ringing, and she found Steven Yan hovering over her as he was unbuttoning her white collar shirt. She screamed before saying, "Get off of me! HELP ANYBODY!" As she couldn't push him off, so her hand started reaching to grab anything for her to use as a weapon. She latched onto a lamp that was on the table stand, and smack his head before making a run for it.
"Ugh, you b****! Where do you think you're going,'' he grunted in pain and grabbed her arm as blood was dripping down his face.
"Let go! HELP," she screamed and tried to free herself.
"I'm going to make you regret hitting me," he sounded pissed and pulled her closer to him and started kissing her neck. At that moment, the door broke down and Meng came barging in and dropped his phone, as he was constantly calling her phone before finding her, he punched Steven Yan in the face and made him stumble to the ground. Meng then grabs him by the collar and continues to punch him. "You sick bastard," Meng yells at him. As the police officer came running in and pulled Meng off. Soon, they arrested Steven and took him away. "Are you okay," Meng said, super worried. Then she threw herself to him as she no longer could contain her emotions and started crying in his arms. "I'm so sorry that I came late," he whispered to her and gently patted her back.

The very next day, news about Steven Yan had spread everywhere from around the world as everyone knew about it and his entire business and reputation were ruined. Once Elina's parents heard the news last night, her father immediately broke their contract between the two companies and even called his father to have a word with him.
"I just hear the news, are you okay?" Don said once he arrived at her office.
"Um, yes, I'm fine," she said as Meng entered her office.
"Are you ready to go?" Meng said, not realizing Don was in her office. "Oops, sorry did I interrupted you two," he said.
"Ah, no?" Don said, noticing that there was something between the two as he saw Elina having her purse ready to go. "Um, I just wanted to say something quick to Elina in private," he asks.
"Ah, sure," Meng said. "I'll meet you at the car," he said to Elina before closing the door as she was nodding her head to Meng.
"So what do you want to say to me," she asks, drawing her attention to Don.
"I just wanted to tell you that I should have told you my feeling that I have for you and acted right away," he confessed. "But I can see now that I'm too late," he said.
"Um, thank you for telling me your feelings," she said. "But I ...," she tried to say as he stopped her.
"I know... thank you for letting me tell you. I should be leaving now," he said.
"Don," she said. "Would you like to have lunch with us?" She asks.
"Um, thank you but maybe next time," he said before leaving her office. He saw Meng waiting outside as he said, "I'll see you around, friend."
"Yeah, see you around. Next time let's have a drink together," Meng said.
"Alright, it's on you," Don said as they shook hands and smiled. Once Don enter the elevator and while the elevator's doors were closing, he saw Elina coming out of her office and them holding hands before they were heading to the elevator as the elevator's doors finally shut, and he was alone.

Weeks later from the incident and recovery as their contract was overdue, Meng and Elina were at their once again spot, the walkway with an ocean view.
Elina said nervously with her hand clasping together, "I agree to be... your girlfriend."
"Oh, I thought we were already dating," he teases as she shot him a glare. "Okay okay, I was just joking. Today. we are officially dating," he said and leans forward as if he was going to kiss her.
"Hey, I'm not ready and we are not there yet,'' she said and slightly pushed him and covered her mouth.
He chuckles before saying, "I wasn't going for a kiss on the lips, but the cheeks." As she uncovered her mouth, he took his chance to have a peak on her lips.
"Hey," she said flustered as he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her in and she buried her face in his chest while she was blushing.
"I love you, I think I'm falling in love with you all over again," he said as he placed his chin on the top of her head.

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