Chapter 4

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Elina was heading to her office and to find Mr. and Mrs. Everest, waiting for you. "Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Everest? How can I help you?" She said, not knowing what else to say.
"Ah, Elina, sorry for the intrusion, but we just want to see you again and ask if my son behaved well when he sent you home?" Mrs. Everest said.
"Oh, he behaved well. He was very kind," she lied and smiled.
"Oh, that's so good to hear. We also came here to give this," she said, opening a small jewelry box that had a small beautiful ring.
"Oh, thank you but I can't accept that," Elina said, rejecting it.
"Nonsense, you are daughter-in-law. You must have an engagement ring,'' she said, handing it to Elina.
"Thank you,'' she said as she had no choice but to accept it.
"Oh, this Friday you and Meng will go try out dresses and suits. Well, we better be leaving so we don't distract you from your work," Mrs. Everest said before they left. She enters her office and leans back against her chair and slowly exhales, still thinking if this is a good idea, but there she looks at the engagement ring.

Friday arrived, and there she was in the dress shop alone and no sight of Meng. She waited a while to see him not showing up as the worker also was waiting. "Umm, I guess he will come later or will do it another time." She said, no longer waiting for him and went dress shopping on her own. Soon enough that was all the time, he never showed up as she did everything on her own until it finally was close to the wedding day as she was becoming more and more unsure.

Today was the day before the wedding and they had to practice the rehearsal as everything was being prepared and everyone was here, only waiting for the groom to show up.
"Oh my goodness, where is your son?" Mrs. Everest hissed as she was getting outrageous to the point where 'her son' was now called 'your son', while Mr. Everest was calling him multiple times.
Finally the doors open and there he was walking into the room, "There he is," said someone.
"Where have you been?" Mrs. Everest said to him, but he passed by everybody and went directly to Elina.
"I'm sorry, but I can't marry you." He said, only focusing on Elina as everyone gasped and everything went completely silent.
Before she could say a word, his father yelled, "Son, are you out of your mind!"
"Son, what are you talking about?" His mother said as they both reached to him and started opposing his decision.
"I met someone!" He blurted out in frustration. "2 weeks ago, I met a girl and fell in love," he said sincerely.
This time before anyone could speak, she said, " Alright,'' which shocked everyone including him. He has never found any girl who didn't want to marry him because of his appearance or his status. As his parent's facial expressions show horror, "Wait..." they try to oppose her decision.
"I don't want to be married and spend the rest of my life with someone who has someone else they love in their hearts. Now go to the person you love," she said directly to him and didn't pay any attention to the people around them.

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