Chapter 3

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"YOU want us to do what?" Said her mother, still in shock. "Are you out of your mind!" Her mother continued on.
"What? I just want a husband. I don't have the time to find someone or time to date, someone, because of work," Elina said, not understanding her parents' reaction.
"Are you saying you want arranged marriages?" Her father finally spoke.
"Yes," she said as it was silent again. "But I have one exception: I don't want to marry someone who already has someone they love or like," she added as her parents look at each other with genuine concern and clear their throats.
"You know that means you will barely know the guy?" Her mother said.
"I know and I'm okay with that," she answered.
"Sweetie, are you sure about this?" Her mother said again. "Maybe, you should have some time to think about this."
"Yes, mom, I'm sure about this. I'm 25 and I don't see myself going out and finding someone, but I do want to get married, so if getting arranged marriage is the choice then I'm okay with it," she said, truly sure of herself.
"Alright then if that's what you want," her father said, agreeing to find her a husband.

Soon a month later, her parents told her that they had found her a suitable man and asked if she was okay marrying him? The next day, she was going to meet him and his family, his name was Meng Everest and his family owns another well-known company. His parents and her parents have been friends for a long time, and therefore his parents are forcing him to get married to her even though he is also single and hasn't dated anyone since college.

On the day she was meeting him and his family, she wore a light pink outfit as she and her parents were waiting for them to show up at the restaurant. "Ahh, Benjamin," said her father as he shook his friend's hand once they arrived. "It's good to see you," her father added. "And this is Elina," her father introduced her.
"Hello, good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Everest," she greeted them and slightly tilted her head as respect.
"Ah! Elina, you have grown up so beautiful! I remember when you were so little," said Mrs. Everest, going for a hug. "You're so stunning like your mother," she continued to compliment her.
"Oh, where's your son, Meng?" Ask Elina's mother.
"Oh, he is right here," said Mrs. Everest as she pulled him from behind them. He was a well-structured and handsome man.
"Greetings, Mr. and Mrs. Kim," he said in a settled tone and then gaze at Elina with no intention to get interested.
"Hello, I'm Elina," she said and put her hand out to shake his hand.
"Hello, I'm Meng," he said, uninterested and not shaking her hands.
"Well, then let's sit down and have ourselves some dinner?" Said Mrs. Everest, trying to ignore the fact her son was impolite.
Once we sat down around the table, the waiters took our orders, and soon the parents were talking among each other as Elina and Meng were silent and staring at the empty plates. "So how are you?" Ask Elina, trying to create small talk, but there was no response from him as she sat quietly amongst them.
"So when should the wedding be?" Ask Mrs. Everest. "This Friday?" She said as Elina grabbed her glass of water.
"Don't you think that's too fast?" Said Elina's mother. "Maybe 2 weeks from now," she said.
"That seems reasonable," said Mr. Everest.
"Yes, I agree. It will take some time to book a place, food, and other things for the wedding," said Elina's father.
"That's true. What do you think, Elina?" Ask Mrs. Everest. Elina smiles and nods her head in agreement as she'll just follow what the adults say.
"What about you, Meng?" Ask Elina's mother as he didn't say anything or nod.
"Oh, he agrees,'' said Mrs. Everest, waving her hands to bypass him.

Soon they finished their dinner and headed out. "Elina, don't you live on your own?" Ask Mrs. Everest.
"Yes, a condo," she replied humbly.
"Oh, then Meng can drive you home. You two should spend some time together," said Mrs. Everest.
"Oh, no that won't be necessary I can go home by myself," she tries to say.
"Nonsense, Meng will drive you, right?'' Mrs. Everest said, looking at her son. There he walked to his black car and opened his door, '' Aren't you coming?" He said, looking at her.
"Ah, yes?" She said unsure as she walked to his car, hesitating.

Once she got in the car, it was dead silent as she just stared out the window and felt extremely uncomfortable. "It's right here," she said, once they reach the building she lives in.
He finally spoke in a dark, low voice, "I don't want to marry you," as she got out and shut the door behind her, there he zoomed off. She entered her condo and headed to her room, and she had set her purse on her nightstand, then threw herself in her bed. As she started to wonder, was it a good idea to get an arranged marriage?

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