Chapter 7

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Ever since she said those words to him, this time was the very first time he had ever talked to her and had become interested in her, because he has never once given her a chance.
"Miss Kim, the person from yesterday is back," said Mala on the phone.
"I'm sorry, Mala, but who?" Elina said and set her pen down.
"The man who came yesterday and wanted to talk to you," Mala said again. As she froze and became silent.
"Ask what he wants," she said quickly.
"He said he was to talk to you," Mala answered.
"Tell him I'm busy," she said and hung up the phone. She then leaned against her chair and wondered why he was here again...

The very next day, "Miss Kim, he is back again," Mala said over the phone.
"Well, tell him my schedule is full today, so I don't have time for him. If he wants to talk to me then tell him to schedule a time," she ended the call and shook her head. She thought, why is he here again, can't he tell I don't want to see him and leave me alone. She tries to get her mind off it by focusing on her work, she slides all the reports in front of her and picks up her pen.

The week has passed as it was getting close to the day she will have to talk to him. "Mala, inform Meng Everest that I can not make it to our appointment as something has come up," Elina said to Mala over the phone and hangs up. She then picks up her pen and continues to work. Then at that moment, her cell phone started to ring, "Hi mom, what is it?" she said.
"Elina honey, are you coming for lunch?" her mother asked as a worker came in her office and had set down a pile of binders on her table which she directed.
"Sorry, not today," she said.
Her mother sighed through the phone before she continued, "Elina, you been working non-stop since that day. You need a break." her mother worried.
"Mom, my team is still behind because I took some time off for the wedding as things came up and they needed me," Elina explained to her mother.
"Fine," her mother said as she gave up on her workaholic daughter.
"Don't worry. Tomorrow I'll come home," she said.
"You better it's your father's birthday!" her mother said.
"Yes, mom. I know," she said. "I already bought his gift,'' she pulled out under her desk a wrapped present. "Okay, mom, I have to go back to work. I'll see you tomorrow," she said before hanging out. She then set the present aside and went over to the coffee table and grabbed the pile of binders.
"Miss Kim?" said Mala through the phone.
"Yes," she answered once she received the binders to her desk.
"Meng Everest has arrived and would like to talk to you now," reported Mala as she stopped moving her pen.
"Tell him I don't have time," she said back.
"He's asking why you canceled the appointment," Mala said.
Before she could answer, "if you don't want to talk on our appointment, then we can talk when you go on break," said a man.
She clenched her pen and said, "Sorry, but I'm not having a break today."
"Oh, really then we talk right now," he said.
"I'm sorry, but I'm busy right now," she said back.
"I'll just wait until you are free," he said before hanging up.
As she thought, what's his deal? Why can't he leave her alone? She shook her head and continued her work.

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