Chapter 8

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She stayed in her office the entire day as it was night time already. She finally finished her last paperwork before closing her laptop. She looked at the time to find it was midnight as she yawned. She picked up her purse and headed out.
"Wow, you stay pretty late," someone said and got up.
"Why are you still here?" she said, looking at him.
"Like I said I'll wait until you are free," he said.
She forced a smile and replied, "well, I'm not free right now. Can't you see I'm heading home so excuse me."
"We can talk as we walk," he said.
"Ha funny, I don't feel like talking right now especially when it's late," she said and headed to the elevator.
"It's alright. I can do the talking," he said, following her.
As she got annoyed and said, "What do you want and why are you here?"
"I wanted to talk to you but you have been ignoring me," he said.
"Well, take a hint that I don't want to talk to an idiot," she said before hitting the 1st-floor button.
"Ouch, that hurts," he said and smiled as he became immersed by her.
She just glared at him and said, "alright, tell me what you want to talk about."
"Umm, I was wondering how do I fight for her?" he said, nervous.
"Sorry, but I'm not your love coach," she said and exited the elevator. She reached her to her car and unlocked it.
"Hey," he said and tried to keep up with her.
"Well then, I'll be leaving now," she said just before she opened the door and entered her car. She then drove off without looking back and laughed in disbelief at what he just asked her. "I never in my life dated anyone and he thinks I know what to do," she said to herself as her stomach started to growl. "Man, I'm hungry. I haven't eaten all day," she said to herself and drove to the nearest fast food place. Once she parked her car, a car quickly parked right next to her as she got out of her car.
"Hey, a good idea to eat and chat," someone said and got out of his car as well. She turns to see him leaning against his car.
She smiled again and said, "Why are you following me? I already let you talk to me," she said and stormed off into the fast food place.
"Well actually we never finished," he said and followed her.
"Hello, can I get a number 3 with no drink. Thank you," she ordered.
"And you, sir?" asked the worker.
"Sorry, he is not with," she tried to say, but he already said, "I'll like a number 1, thank you."
"Excuse me?" she tried to say as he completely ignored her.
"That will be $10.15," said the worker and he slightly pushed her aside and paid.
"Thank you," he said to the worker. "And your welcome," he said to her.
She tried to compose herself and said, "I never asked you to pay." but he moved to the side as he waited for the food.
She tried to contain her temper and also waited for the food.

Once the food arrived, he grabbed the tray and took a seat. "So any ideas to help me?" he asked.
"Sorry, but I can't help you," she said, grabbing her food.
"Why not, I bought you food," he said.
Her smile tensed as she said, "fine, I'll help but not really."
"What do you mean?" he said.
"Hmm, let me see, one, I'm not your love guru and two, I never dated anyone before so I don't know how to help you. Does that answer your question?" she said, finally taking a bite out of her food.
"You never dated anyone before? Aren't you 25 years old!" he said, astonished and stopped drinking his drink.
As she regretted saying that, but can't go back now and said, "Yeah." she quickly shoved food down her mouth.

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