Chapter 12

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She arrives in her old bedroom to find everything is the same as she left it. Her sky blue blanket neatly made, her teddy bears by her pillows, her desk well-organized, and the room completely clean and clear. She smiles and remembers all the memories she had in this room before she heads to bed. 

The next day, she had breakfast with her parents before she headed to her office. Once she arrived at her office, she greeted Mala but also informed her not to let anyone enter her office without telling her who it was. Soon, lunchtime had arrived and she set her paperworks aside before closing her laptop. Elina then leaned back and stretched her arms up in the air. She heads out and says, "Mala, I'll see you after break." Once she was out of the company, she saw Meng leaning against her car.
"Excuse me, but you are leaning against my car," she said and forced a smile.
"I know. You wouldn't allow anyone to enter your office today, so I will join you on break," he said, smiling.
"Well, sorry, I decline the offer," she said, pushing him aside before opening the door.
"Well, I never told you what happened," he said as she instantly remembered yesterday and felt like she still owned him.
"Fine, get in the car," she said bitterly before getting in the car. He smiles and enters the car.
"So where are we eating?" He asked once he seat belted himself.
"I don't know. What do you want?" She asked
"Here let me drive," he said and got out of the car.
"Sorry, what?" She said as he opened her side of the door.
"Come on," he said and lightly grabbed her arm to slowly pull her out of the car.
"Umm, I can get out myself," she said, shocked before getting out of the seat.
"Okay, hang on tight," he said before driving off.
"Hey, where are we going?" She asked.
He smiled before answering her, "You will see."
They arrived at a fancy restaurant and took their seats before opening the menu. "Hello, what kind of drinks can I get you two?" Ask the waiter.
"Wine please," he said.
"Umm, hot tea," she said.
"Alright, and are you two ready?" The waiter asked.
"I'm ready. You?" He said to her and she just nodded her head in agreement.
"Alright, what can I get you two?" The waiter said.
"I'll have your rack of lambs that are glazed with blood orange," Meng ordered.
"I'll have the marinated steak," she ordered.
"Alright, it will be out as soon as possible," the waiter said before leaving the table.
"Okay, hurry and tell me what you wanted to tell me," she said unfriendly.
He smiled before saying, " Would you like to be my girlfriend?"
She stops and looks at him, shocked and confused.

"Okay, here are your drinks...," the waiter said and came back to see their silence as the waiter became silent and awkward. "Well, I'll be right back with your food."
She quickly poured herself tea before she said, "Excuse me?"
"Do you agree to be my girlfriend?" He repeated himself again.
"Why?" She said, bewildered.
Before he could speak, the waiter came back with the food. "Alright, here we are. For you, sir, and for you, miss," the waiter said awkwardly before leaving.
"Explain yourself," she said to him.

Soon, he told her that he finally met the girl he likes and told her everything, but she told him that she had moved on.
"Sorry, I'm not your booty call, your backup, or your second choice. Don't get the wrong idea, the only reason why I ask to get married to you was because I'm not getting any younger and didn't have time to date. Not because of your looks or status. I barely know you," she said, outrageous. "Please excuse me," she said before getting up and grabbing her purse. "Here you go. We don't own each other, anything," she said, slamming money on the table as she was paying her half. "I hope you have a ride back,'' she ended sharply before storming off. She slams her car's door shut and drives off. "To think I am his backup," she hissed underneath her breath. She had heard about him before as he was one of the most handsome, wealthy young men in the city and every woman always tried to win his heart, but as for her, she didn't have the time to care.

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