Chapter 6

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Today was the day she was supposed to get married as she was at work, trying to completely ignore what happened these past few weeks and working like it's her normal day. "Miss Kim, someone is here to see you?" Mala said, once Elina stepped a foot out of her office.
"Well, I'm heading to break. Is it someone very important and are they on my schedule?" Elina asks Mala.
At that moment, someone stood up from the little lounge by her office, "I can go with you on your break." They stood there in silence.
Her eyes froze at the man standing there, "Why are you doing here?" As that was the last thing she said.

"Alright, what's your purpose here?" She said as they were outside and in front of the company.
"I want to continue the wedding," he said.
"What?" She said in disbelief.
"I would like to continue the wedding," he repeated himself.
"WHY?" She said, trying to composure herself. Soon he had told her that before he came to break off the wedding, the person he loved had found out about the arranged marriage and became heartbroken and ran off, but when he was about to tell her he broke it off, he saw the person he loves with another man and had heard others saying that they were together last night, so he was wrong and wants to continue the wedding.

"You are kidding me, right?" She said in disbelief.
"No, I'm not," he said seriously.
"Did you talk to her?" She said.
"No," he said.
"Do you know the whole story?" She asked again.
"No," he said again.
"Dude, maybe that guy was just cheering her UP!" She said, mind blown. "Do you really like this girl to the point you love her?" She asked.
He let out a sigh, "yeah."
"THEN what are you waiting for? Go and fight for this girl and show her that you love her. Are you stupid or something!" She said, breaking her calm self.
"But... umm.." he tried to speak.
"Girls like to know how much she means to you by showing actions and words,'' she said as if she turned into his love guru. "So man up and go fight for this girl, geez!" She ended in frustration and couldn't stand his stupidity and left.

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