Chapter 2

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"Good morning, Miss Kim,'' greeted workers as they passed her.
"Good morning," she answered back and took her cup of tea to her office.
"Good morning, Miss Kim. How was your night?" Ask Mala, once she bypasses Mala's desk.
"Good morning too. My night was great," she said as she only had 4 hours of sleep and had to stay the night at her office.
"Don't forget you have a meeting with Mr. James at 1:00 today," reminded Mala.
"Alright," she replied back and was about to head to her office until someone had called her name. "Oh, Hana, what are you doing here?" She turned and saw her old colleague standing there with a yellow package in her hands.
"How are you, Elina,'' Hana said before going in for a hug.
"I'm doing well and you?" She asks and returns the hug.
"Well, I come here to give you this package before I'm off on my vacation, and getting married to the love of my life!" She squeals in enjoyment and flashes her beautiful ring.
"Oh my goodness! I'm so happy for you," Elina said super happy for her old colleague. "When's the wedding?"
"It's going to be in two days and it's going to be a beautiful wedding..," she trailed along with her voice genuinely happy. "But enough talking about me. This is the package that Mr. James wanted to give you and wanted me to inform you that he is sorry that he can't make it to the meetings as he is going to London for a business trip, and he truly apologized for the short notice." Hana said before handing me the yellow package.
"Oh, that is fine," Elina replied before accepting the yellow package.
"Well, I better head on out. It was so good to see you again," Hana said before leaving.
"Yes, it was good to see you too. I hope you have a wonderful wedding and vacation," Elina said before heading into her office. She sat down in her chair and opened the yellow envelope to pull out the paperwork between two companies, she then set it aside as she started to ponder. She then exhales and leans back against her chair. She is in her mid-20s and never dated anyone before and all the people she knew that are the same age as her have all gotten married and are having kids or in a relationship. She always wanted to get married before the age of 30, just like her parents; however, she never has the time to seek a relationship as if her work is her relationship even though she doesn't always love her job, it was just to keep her life stable.
"Mala, tell my parents that I can have lunch with them today," She said, leaning forward and pressing the button on the phone.
"Yes, Miss Kim," Mala answers back before hanging up.

Once the time has come, Elina stacks her work on the side and heads out with her handbag over her shoulders. "I'll see you after 2:00," she said to Mala and left the company. She arrives back home to find her mother and father at the dining table waiting for her. "Hello, dad and mom. How are you guys?" She said before sitting down at her seat.
"What took you so long? I made these dishes special for you," said her mother.
She smiled, "I wasn't that long," she said before scooping food into her plate.

"So any boyfriend?" Her mother started teasing her already. "Oh when will I get grandkids," she joked.
"Hey, mom and dad can you guys find me a husband? You guys probably have friends that want their sons to get married as well and to also create stronger company allies," she said as her mother dropped her spoon and her father almost choked on water and was completely silent.

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