Chapter 14

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The very next day, Elina got out of the company and headed to lunch, but once she reached her car there was no one against her car. She started to look around to spot him in the distance, but no sight of him. During these past days, she quite got used to him, leaning against her car and greeting her with a flashy smile. It's weird to say that she felt odd, not seeing him here. As a voice spoke, "Who are you looking for? Is that person you are looking for is me?"
She turns behind her to see Meng following her. "Of course not, I was making sure you weren't here," she replied flustered.
"Oh really. You didn't miss me?" He mocked.
"Of course not," she said again, getting upset. "Aren't your 2-week vacation over?" She added.
"Oh, you remember," he teases and smiles.
She wanted to deny it, but she didn't say anything as she didn't want her words to come back and bite her in the butt again. He smiles again before saying, "Well, today is my last day so let's go have fun," He then snatched her car keys from her hands and started to run away.
"Hey!" She shouted after him. He ran around her car as she chased after him and he then opened the driver side's door and took a seat. She finally reached him and before she could speak, he said, "get in. I'll drive."
She forced a smile and said," No thank you. Please exit my car.'' As he locks his door and signals her to go around. She tried to remain calm as she was about to explode and lose her composure. He then taps on his watch, telling her that time is ticking and lunchtime is going to be over, as she thought he was mocking her. She grudgingly walked over to the passenger side and entered the car. This time he took her to a simple restaurant and after they ate, she went into a cafe shop that was beside the restaurant as Meng stayed by car because she didn't want to be attracted to a lot of women who may think they were dating. She got herself a raspberry refresher and got out of the shop to see Meng leaning against her car with a tiny crowd of females as he was not paying attention to them. He noticed her and walked away from the crowd. Once she reached her car, she tried to open her door as it was locked. She looked over to see him by the crosswalk and headed to a walkway with an ocean view, waving the keys in front of her. "We still have some time so let's go for a walk," he hollered to her as the crowd of women looked at her.
"Fine," she said as she knew she didn't have a choice, he had her keys. Once she reaches them, the women bitterly weep as they assume she was his girlfriend and parted ways. "You are awfully popular," she said.
He smiled, "Are you jealous?"
"Get over yourself," she said, leaving him behind.
As they were walking in silence and viewing the beautiful sights, they finally stopped and leaned against the rail to face the open ocean.
"So what's your deal? You change so dramatically. When we first met you were so rude and cold-hearted and now you are annoying and bothering me," she said, taking a sip out of the straw.
"Because of you," he answered as she almost choked on her drink.
She coughs before saying, "What...?"
"You are different and interesting. I ask you to become my girlfriend not because I think you are my backup but you make me want to get to know you more. Your way of thinking is different for most people and because of that I'm interested in you," he said as she felt weird inside her heart and her stomach like butterflies were flying. She quickly turns and walks away from him as she never experienced this in her life and has no idea what to do.

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