I. Diagon Alley

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'A little magic can take you a long way.'

*Present Day*

    "Ellie? Are you awake?" A voice calls from downstairs. I get off my bed and place the book I am reading on the table. I look in the mirror. My brown hair color is slowly fading. Time to redye, I think. My original hair color is a platinum white. I hated it since it reminded me so much of my grandfather. I make my way downstairs. 

"You're leaving already?" I asks my uncle. "Yes, I'm already late," he says. I sit down at the table and watch him. "Uncle Severus?" I call him. "Yes?" "Can you ask Professor Dumbledore when I can join Hogwarts?" I ask him. Uncle Severus nods. "Okay, I need to get going. I should be back tonight, but if something happens and I have to stay at the school overnight, I will send you an owl." He says as he gathers his books. I nod. 

"Remember: do not talk to wizards or witches you don't know, come home before it gets dark, don't go wandering to places you don't know, and most importantly-" "Study," I say for him. Uncle Severus smiles at me. He comes over and kisses my forehead. "Stay out of trouble," he says. "I always do," I tell him. He smiles and heads out the door. I go upstairs and quickly get dressed. I pick up the list sitting on my table labeled "Ingredients Needed.

     The Leaky Cauldron is busy as always. "I was wondering when we would see you again," Tom, the innkeeper, says. "Not staying long today, Tom. I have some errands to run," I say as go to the back of the Leaky Cauldron. I stare at the brick wall and take out my wand. "Three up, two across," I say as I hit the bricks in that order. The bricks begin to move. I smile and walk into Diagon Alley. Groups of witches and wizards are packed together. I glance at the books through the shops. I continue to look through the shops when something caught my eye. A beautiful black broom was on display. "It's beautiful," I say as I stare at the Nimbus 2001. At home, I had a old broomstick which Uncle Severus used to teach me how to fly. I continue to walk and stop at Slug & Jiggers Apothecary. It is fairly empty. I pick up some lavender and a container of bat spleens, and take it over to the counter. "2 Galleons," the man says. I hand him 2 galleons and take the ingredients and leave. I continue to walk down Diagon Alley, when a familiar voice calls from behind me. 

"Biscuit." I turn around and see a young lad standing by the Sugarplums Sweet Shop. He is tall and handsome. He wore a smirk on his face as he leaned against the shop. "Alexander," I say, greeting him. "I thought I told you not to call me that," I say, referring to his nickname for me. Alexander smiles. "Why not? It suits you, biscuit," he says. I roll my eyes at him.
Alexander Vixen is my best friend. Well, I don't have any friends since I don't go to school. I met Alexander two years ago in the summer. He was looking for a new owl, while I was with Uncle Severus purchasing some books. We ran into each other and instantly connected. Uncle Severus didn't like him much though. Yet, Alexander and I stayed close. 

      "Aren't you supposed to be in school?" I ask him. He didn't answer. "Alexander, don't tell me your skipping classes again!" I yell at him. Alexander smiles. "I'm suspended. I was suspended for three days. I'm going back tomorrow," Alexander says quietly. "Suspended?? What did you do?" I ask him. He turns to the shop. "Do you want anything? I was thinking about buying some Chocolate Frogs," Alexander says as he enters the shop. I follow him. "Alexander, what did you do?" I ask him again. Alexander looks around at the sweets. "Professor Snape doesn't need a reason to punish me," he says as he started picking up some Chocolate Frogs. "Uncle Severus suspended you? But why? Why would he do that?" I ask him. Alexander goes towards the pastries on the shelf. "Because he doesn't like me," Alexander says. He picks up 2 pumpkin pastries and head over to the counter. I quickly follow him. "What aren't you telling me?" I ask him, as he pays for the sweets he bought. Alexander doesn't say a word and heads out of the shop. 

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