IX. The Truth

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'You need a hand, I'm right there right beside you
You in the dark, I'll be the bright light to guide you.'

         Hogwarts was completely different during the holidays. During the day, Finn, Athena and I would go down to the lake and explore the area around Hogwarts. Occasionally, I would run into Hagrid and he and Finn would hang out. Then, I usually hung with Fred and George. The boys always kept me laughing. The evenings are reserved for lessons. Since there are no classes and rarely any students around, Uncle Severus took advantage of extending my training hours. 
"Focus!" Uncle Severus tells me. I grip the chair. "I am!" I say back. Uncle Severus lowers his wand. "Gellert Grindelwald is an accomplished Occulmens. It's how he was able to deceive everyone. He hid his true feelings and thoughts. No one could read his mind," Uncle Severus informs me. I already knew the story though. He comes to face me. "Clear your mind. Make it blank and empty," he says. I nod and close my eyes and take a deep breath. I open my eyes. Uncle Severus stands ahead of me with his wand pointing at me. 

"Legilimens," he says. I feel the room dissolve. "Control your emotions!" I hear Uncle Severus shout. Alexander appears. "Biscuit, you're bluffing," he says. He's trying to figure out what I'm hiding. The scene slowly dissolves as a new one appears. This time Draco appears. We're sitting in the courtyard playing with Finn. It fades away and I'm speaking with Harry about being a Parselmouth. The scene begins to dissolve and I notice I'm still in Uncle Severus's office. He lowers his wand. "I'm sorry, Uncle Severus," I say quietly. He shakes your head. "Not to worry. You were able to master Legilimency. You're able to do it non-verbally and wandlessly... We'll just keep practicing. You'll be able to master Occulmency soon enough," he says as he places his wand on his desk. "Go on, that's enough for tonight." I get up from the chair to leave. "Guilt is never a good emotion to carry," Uncle Severus says from behind me. I sigh. I knew exactly what he was referring to. As he was in my mind, he was able to feel my emotions as well. He knows how guilty I feel about not telling Alexander the truth. He was able to see how hard I've been trying to avoid him. I turn to face him. "If you trust him, you can tell him, but you must also be ready to face whatever consequences that come with it." 

       I walk into my room and find a letter on my bed besides Athena. I go to open it and read it. 

"Dear Ellie,

Queenie was actually born with great aptitude for the skill. She was able to perform it wandlessly and non-verbally, without any prior training. Try not to dwell too much on figuring out how you came to gain the skill. It's a great skill to have. 

With that in mind, please try to master Occulmency as well. Grindelwald was excellent at it. In fact, he was so good, he was even able to keep Queenie from entering his mind. It was as if he was naturally good at it.. who knows, maybe you inherited that trait too?

 Anyways, I hope you train with your uncle. He is a pretty skilled Leglimens and Occulmens. (Don't let him know I said that though). 

Take care,
Uncle Newt"

I smile as I set down the letter. Finn chitters as he runs on the windowsill. "What do you mean?" I ask him as I go over to the window. He jumps up and down as he points to Alexander sitting alone in outside. "It's too cold out there for you to go out, Finn," I tell him. I wasn't ready to talk to Alexander. Finn chitters. "I'm not avoiding him," I say, defending myself. Finn chitters and runs out the dorm room. "Finn! Finn!" I call after him, but he's gone. I groan and grab my coat and head out to follow him. Finn runs through the snow chittering. Alexander hears him. He runs up and lifts Finn out of the snow. "Hey there. Isn't it a bit cold for you out here?" He asks Finn. Finn jumps into his pocket. Alexander laughs as he faces me. "How are you doing, biscuit?" He asks. The last time I actually talked to him was the night of the dueling club. "Not bad. Why are you out here?" I ask him. The snow is still falling. "It's a calming view," he replies as he breathes in the snowy air. I smile at him. 

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