XVIII. Until Next Year

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This is not the end

        "Any plans for the summer?" George asks me as we eat in the Great Hall. "Maybe visit Uncle Newt in Dorset. How about you guys?" I ask them. "Nothing yet. You should come visit us at the Burrow," Fred says. "Excellent idea, Fred. We'd love to introduce you to our family," George beams. "I'll try to come then," I say smiling. Harry, Ron and Hermione sit down at the table. "Morning," Harry says to us. "Morning," Fred, George and I say together. "Oh, Ellie, are you going to eat that?" Ron asks pointing to the bread on my plate. I shake my head. "Great," he says as he takes it and bites into it. Ginny sits down next to me. "Good morning," she says smiling. 

"Ginny, what did you see Percy doing that he didn't want you to tell anyone about?" Harry asks her. Fred and George exchange glances and we all turn our heads to face Ginny. "Oh that," Ginny says laughing. "Percy's got himself a girlfriend." I cover my mouth and gasp. Ron spits out his juice. "What? Percy?" He asks. He leans in waiting for Ginny to elaborate. "Yes! It's that Ravenclaw Prefect, Penelope Clearwater. That's who he's been writing to all last summer. They've been meeting up all over the school in secret. I caught them snogging in an empty classroom one day.. He was so upset when.. you know, when she was attacked." I smile in disbelief. "Wow, who would've thought Percy would get a girlfriend," I say. "That sly fox," Ron says, shaking his head and laughing. "You won't tease him, will you?" Ginny asks, mainly looking at Fred and George. "Wouldn't dream of it," Fred says, beaming in joy. "Definitely not," George adds, snickering. 

"May I have your attention, please," Professor Dumbledore says standing up at the podium. The Great Hall quiets down and gives him their attention. "Another year gone. Although there were terrible incidents that had happened, I hope you all were able to learn something... Now, as I understand it, the House Cup needs awarding. In fourth place, Hufflepuff stands with 368 points." The Great Hall claps. "In third place, Ravenclaw with 390 points. In second place, Slytherin with 440 points." The claps continue.  "And in first place, Gryffindor with 480 points. Gryffindor wins the House Cup!" Professor Dumbledore says. The Gryffindor tables erupts in cheers, while the other tables (except Slytherins) clap. Professor Dumbledore sits down. The Great Hall continues to be filled with cheers and claps.


     "This is it ladies, until next year then," Fay says as she closes her suitcase. She waves bye to us and heads out of the dormitory. "Have a great summer!" Parvati tells me as she and Lavender leave. I close my suitcase and look around the empty dormitory. Finn chitters as he climbs up to my shoulder. "Yeah, I'm going to miss it here too, buddy," I tell him. I set my suitcase down on the floor and pick up Athena in her cage. "You ready to go?" I ask Athena and Finn. I put Athena's cage on top of my suitcase and head out of the dormitory.

Students are waving bye to each other and heading down to the Hogsmeade Station to get on the Hogwarts Express. I walk out of Hogwarts and see Uncle Severus waiting outside. "I bet this is your favorite time of the year," I say as I approach him. He smiles softly as he watches all the students leave. "I do not know what you mean," he lies. I roll my eyes and laugh. "Newt has asked me if you could stay with him for the summer. I told him yes," Uncle Severus says. "Really?! Oh that's great! Thank you so much!" I say in joy, hugging Uncle Severus. A few kids walking by stare at us, unable to believe Uncle Severus is capable of hugs. I let him go as Uncle Severus shoos the students away. "I'll be home late tonight. Have to finish some stuff here before I can leave," Uncle Severus informs me. I nod. 

"Oh Ellie! Thank goodness you're still here!" Professor McGongall says as she runs out of the school, holding books in her hand. She approaches Uncle Severus and I. "I forgot to give you these," she says as she hands me the books in her hand. "What's this?" Uncle Severus asks as I take the books from her. "My all time favorite books. Great books to read over the summer," Professor McGonagall says, smiling. All three of the books are thick and heavy. "Thank you so much, Professor McGonagall," I tell her. She smiles and walks away. Uncle Severus places his hand around my shoulder as he guides me forward. "Never change," he says. I laugh, "I don't plan on it." We continue to walk when I remember Professor Dumbledore's words. 

"Uncle Severus," I say. "Hmm?" "Yesterday Professor Dumbledore asked me to promise him that I would never lose sight of myself. He spoke as if something was going to happen. Something like my identity being revealed," I tell him. "He is just taking precaution. As we learn, we acquire more power, and sometimes people tend to go off in the wrong direction with it," Uncle Severus says. We stop walking and he turns to face me. He places a hand on my shoulder. "You have nothing to worry about," he says. I nod, even though I feel like he's hiding something. "Now," Uncle Severus says as he examines the area. "You should get going. I don't want you missing the train." I look around and notice there are no students left. "I'll see you tonight, Uncle Severus!" I say as I drag my belongings down to the station. 

         Hagrid waits down at the station. "Ellie! I was starting to think ye left without a goodbye!" Hagrid says as I rush towards him. A train staff takes my suitcase. I hug Hagrid. "I would never leave with saying goodbye to you, Hagrid," I tell him. The train whistle blows. "Alright, in ye go," Hagrid says. Finn waves bye to Hagrid as we aboard the train. The Hogwarts Express is already crowded. I hug the three books close to my chest and Athena in my other hand, as students walk past me and sit down in the compartments. "Ellie!" Neville says as he approaches me. "Neville," I say greeting him with a smile. "Have you seen Trevor?" He asks. I shake my head. Neville groans. "This always happens. Anyways, have a great summer," Neville says as he continues down the train looking for his toad. All these compartments are full

"Ellie," a voice calls. I turn around and see Harry, Ron, and Hermione in a compartment. "Would you like to join us?" Hermione asks, pointing to the empty space next to her. I smile and enter in the compartment, sliding the door close behind me. "What the hell are those?" Ron asks me, staring at the three books I am holding. I place them down on the empty space between Hermione and I. "Just some light reading for the summer. Professor McGonagall gave them to me," I say, placing Athena down next to me. "She has given me some as well! I'm actually rereading Rudy Kingship's latest book," Hermione tells me as she pulls out the book. "Oh my! That's one of my favorite books! It's so-" "Brilliant!" We say in unison. We laugh as she opens the book to show me her favorite part. Ron turns to Harry and cries, "Bloody hell! There's two of them!" 


A/N: That's a wrap! I know the last few chapters were shorter than the previous ones. I apologize for that! But thank you to all of you who read my story! I hope you weren't disappointed by it.. 

I do plan on writing a second book (and more).. I know this one was quite short, but the next ones will be longer. Also, I know there wasn't much relationships/romances in this book, but I guarantee you'll see more of it in the next books to come!

Anyways, thank you for reading my whole story through the end! I really appreciate all the love and support you all have been giving me! I hope you'll be back for the next book! Love you all <3

Hope you have a wonderful day/night! xoxo. 


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