XV. The Aftermath

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         "You're alive," Moaning Myrtle says disappointingly at Harry, as Fawkes sets us down on the ground. "There's no need to be disappointed," Harry says, as he cleans his glasses. We are all covered in mud, dirt, slime, and blood (well Harry is covered in blood). Fawkes calls us as he heads out the door. "Come on guys," I tell them as we follow Fawkes out of the bathroom. "Harry, I think Myrtle's grown fond of you! You've got competition, Ginny!" Ron says to her, trying to cheer her up, but Ginny is still crying. 

Fawkes leads us to Professor Dumbledore's office. Harry knocks on the door and pushes it open. Inside are Mr. & Mrs. Weasley, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Dumbledore. They all stare at us in shock. "Well hello!" Professor Lockhart says waving. "Ginny!" Mrs. Weasley shouts as she hugs Ginny. She kissed her head multiple times. Mr. Weasley joins in on the hug. Fawkes flies over and sits on Professor Dumbledore's shoulder. Professor McGonagall stands there gasping at us, just as Mrs. Weasley sweeps Harry, Ron, and I into a tight hug. 

"You saved her! You saved her! How-- Who are you?" She asks, as she lets go of the hug, looking at me. "Ellie Bane. Pleasure to meet you," I say. "Oh!" She pulls us into another hug. "How did you do it?" She asks. "I think we'd all like to know," Professor McGonagall says as Mrs. Weasley lets us go. Harry looks at Ron and I. Then, he takes the sword, Sorting Hat, and Tom Riddle's diary and places it on Professor Dumbledore's desk. He starts telling them everything that happened. He starts at the beginning of their research, how Hermione figured out it was a Basilisk, how Ron and him went into the forest to speak with Aragog, how they concluded Myrtle was the girl who was killed 50 years ago and that the Chamber of Secrets might have been there. Then, he went into describing the battle between Tom and him. He mentions how I came out with Fawkes and the Sorting Hat, how he stabbed the Basilisk in the mouth, how Tom and I had a little duel, how he stabbed the diary, how Fawkes cured him, and finally we all were saved. 

The adults stare at us in silence. "What interests me most is how Lord Voldemort managed to enchant Ginny when my sources tell me he's hiding in the forests of Albania." Hiding in the forests? So he's still alive? "You-Know-Who enchant Ginny? But how-- she hasn't... but Ginny," Mrs. Weasley is completely stunned. "It was the diary," Harry says quickly, explaining what had happened. "Brilliant.. Of course, he was the most brilliant student Hogwarts has ever seen," Professor Dumbledore says examining the diary. He turns to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley who are completely stunned. "Not many people know this, but Lord Voldemort used to go by the name Tom Riddle. He went to this school and I had taught him fifty years ago. Of course, he did disappear. He traveled far and fell into the midst of Dark Arts. He went under so many dangerous trials and magical transformations and became unrecognizable. No one would ever think that Lord Voldemort was the handsome Head Boy who once was here." 

"But what does our Ginny g-got to do.. with him?" Mrs. Weasley asks. "It's his diary! I've been writing in it!" Ginny sobs. "Ginny!" Mr. Weasley exclaims. "Haven't I taught you anything? What have I always told you? Never trust anything that can think for itself and you can't see where it's brain is! You should have shown me or your mother! An object like that is definitely filled with Dark Magic--" "I didn't know!.. It was in my books, and I just thought someone must have left it there and I- I--" Ginny cries. "Miss Weasley should be taken to the hospital wing," Professor Dumbledore says before either one of her parents could say anything. "She's been through a lot. There will be no punishment for her. Certainly anyone could have been hoodwinked by Lord Voldemort... I suggest she has some rest, maybe a cup of hot chocolate would help," Dumbledore says smiling. "You'll find Madam Pomfrey is still up. She's just given out the Mandrake juice. The basilisk's victims all should be awake soon." 

"So Hermione's okay!" Ron says brightly. I giggle quietly at his excitement. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley head out with Ginny, thanking us again. "You know, Minerva. This sounds like something to celebrate with a feast," Professor Dumbledore says brightly. "Certainly. I'll leave you to deal with Potter, Weasley and Bane," she says as she heads out. The three of us exchange looks. Deal with? Are we in trouble? Professor Dumbledore sits at his desk. "I remembering telling the both of you I would have to expel you if you broke any more school rules," Professor Dumbledore says to Harry and Ron. Ron drops his mouth in horror. "And I clearly remember Severus and I telling you to stay out of trouble," he says looking at me. Oh no, he's going to expel us. "Therefore, it is only fitting," Professor Dumbledore says. I don't want to leave Hogwarts. "That the three of you receive Special Awards for Services to the School," he says with a smile. We three exchange glances and beam at Professor Dumbledore. "Thanks, sir," Ron says, smiling. "I believe it's only fair if you also receive 150 points a piece for your bravery," he adds. The three of us smile in joy. 

"Well done! Well done!" Professor Lockhart says in joy as he claps. We turn around, forgetting he is there. "Why so modest, Gilderoy? I'm sure you had a big part in this dangerous adventure?" Professor Dumbledore asks him. Professor Lockhart looks at him smiling. "Professor Dumbledore, there was an accident down in the Chamber of Secrets. Professor Lockhart--" "Oh! Am I Gilderoy?" He asks smiling foolishly. "He tried to perform a Memory Charm and it backfired," Ron quietly explains. "Oh dear," Professor Dumbledore says examining Professor Lockhart. "Miss Bane, would you please take Professor Lockhart up to the infirmary?" I nod. "As for you, Mr. Weasley, would you be able to send an owl to Azkaban? I believe we want our gamekeeper back," he says, handing Ron a letter. Ron nods and heads out. I begin to head out with Professor Lockhart when I remember something. 

"Oh, Harry! I think this belongs to you," I tell him, pulling his wand out from my robe pocket. Harry takes it and smiles at me. I pull him in for a hug. "I'm glad you're okay," I tell him as I let him go. I turn to Professor Lockhart. "Alright, let's go Professor Lockhart," I say. "Professor? I'm a Professor? Goodness, I expect I was hopeless, wasn't I?" He asks me as we head out the door. "Oh, sugar sticks," I groan as I lead him down the stairs. 


        I sit in the infirmary. Madam Pomfrey refuses to let me go until she sees for herself that I'm not hurt. "Oh and what does this do?" Professor Lockhart asks as he holds up a bottle in his hand. "Please, Professor! Do not touch that!" Madam Pomfrey says as she takes the bottle out of his hand. I look over at Ginny who is asleep on the bed. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley sit by her side. Madam Pomfrey makes her way over to me. "Now, you're sure you weren't hurt?" She asks me as she examines me for any cuts or bruises. "No, Madam Pomfrey. I'm okay," I tell her smiling. She smiles. "Off you go then." I get out of the bed, just as the hospital wing's door swings open. Uncle Severus stands at the door. His eyes are distraught. I make my way over to him smiling. He pulls me out of the hospital wing and closes the door behind us. 

"Thank you," I tell him. He pulls me in for a tight hug and exhales. "Are you hurt anywhere?" He asks me. His voice sounds wearily. I shake my head. He smiles as he rubs my forearm. "Come on, now," he says. "Let's get you back to your dormitory." We walk down the corridor as I explain to him everything that happened in the Chamber of Secrets. "You fought Tom Riddle?" He asks me. "It wasn't really a fight," I say, shrugging it off. "Well, well, well. I'm finally getting to meet the mysterious adopted daughter of Severus Snape." We stop walking and turn around to the voice. 

A tall man stands against the wall. He is dressed in black expensive robes. He has long platinum hair. He holds a cane in his hand. "Lucius," Uncle Severus says coldly. The man doesn't acknowledge Uncle Severus. Instead, he makes his way over to me. "Ellie Bane. I've heard so much about you.. Oh dear me, I forgotten to introduce myself. Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy," he says with a smirk. Malfoy? As in Draco Malfoy's father? I smile softly back at him. "Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Malfoy," I tell him. "I've heard about the pranks you did to my son and other students.. They told me your punishments were weak," he says. He looks over to Uncle Severus. "I assume you are the reason behind that," he says coldly. "Ellie has been punished for the pranks accordingly," Uncle Severus says back. 

Mr. Malfoy laughs in disgust. "I don't understand why you kept her a secret, Severus. After all, we are friends, you could have told me about her," Mr. Malfoy says eyeing me. "I do not see the need to inform others about my personal life," Uncle Severus responds. "It's rather peculiar. I mean why did you keep her hidden for so long? For sure, she is not related to you in anyway. So where did you find her from? What are you hiding?" Mr. Malfoy asks, facing me. He glares at me, as if trying to force the answers out of me. "I assure you that is none of your business," Uncle Severus says sternly. Lucius Malfoy takes a step back. "Well, I hope that you will not be doing any more pranks on my son or his friends. Or else I will have to take matters into my own hands," he says to me. "Maybe you should teach your son and his friends on how to properly treat people," I respond back. 

Mr. Malfoy takes a step forward and glares into my eyes. "How dare you talk to me like that, you pathetic orphan girl?!" Uncle Severus steps in front of me, causing Mr. Malfoy to stop. "You do not speak to my daughter like that," Uncle Severus says firmly. My heart melts at him calling me his daughter. I smile softly. Mr. Malfoy doesn't say anything. He takes a step back and smiles. "My apologies, Severus." "It's late. I need to get Ellie back to her dormitory," Uncle Severus says. "Very well. I hope to see you around, Miss Bane," Mr. Malfoy says, not really meaning it. "Oh don't worry, you will," I respond with a smirk.  

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