VI. Rumor Has It

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'It doesn't matter what you are. It only matters what you do.'

         It's been a couple days since Mrs. Norris was found petrified. Many of the students believe Harry is the heir of Slytherin. For those couple of days, the spotlight was not on me. Students praised me for my prank against Slytherin. Everything is beginning to look good again for me. But it didn't last. 

"Did you know we had an exam on Friday?" Seamus asks us. "Yes, Seamus. Professor Flint's been reminding us every week about it," Ron says to him. Seamus looks confused and tries to recall what Ron says. Owls screech from above. "Mail's here," Ron says as he watches the owls. They swoop past dropping packages and letters. Athena brings a letter to my lap and flies off. I look at the from name: Newt Scamander. I open the letter and start reading it. 

"Dear Ellie, 

I truly do apologize for my very late reply. Retirement life is very busy, especially when you have kids. Anyways, congratulations on placing into Gryffindor. I do believe it suits you well! 

Also, I am hearing about what is happening at Hogwarts right now. I don't know how much you know, but you should know that Dumbledore will do everything in his power to protect Hogwarts. So please Ellie, promise me you won't go looking for trouble. I know how curious you get with that brain of yours. 

Stay safe. 

Yours truly,
Uncle Newt" 

I close the letter up. So Uncle Newt knows about the Chamber of Secrets. "Biscuit," Alexander says as he sits down next to me. The Gryffindor students look at him cautiously. He is wearing his Quidditch robes and holding a Nimbus 2001. "I totally forgot to invite you to the Quidditch game coming up," he tells me. I smile at him. "Don't worry, I'll be there. Although I got to warn you, I will be cheering for Gryffindor," I tell him. He smiles. "Ouch, so much for having my back," Alexander says pretending to sound hurt. I laugh. "You should have tried out this year," Alexander tells me. I shake my head and say, "My flying skills need improvement," I tell him. He shakes his head. He turns to the table. "For someone who was home schooled, her flying skills are pretty good," he says to them. "Let's go Vixen, you can flirt with your girlfriend later," the Slytherin Keeper says as he walks over to Alexander. Alexander rolls his eyes. "Duty calls," he says and follows the Slytherin team out into the field. I turn back to the table. 

"Have you played Quidditch before?" Seamus asks me. "Only a few times," I say, taking a sip of my pumpkin juice. "What position would you play?" Ron asks me curiously. I think for a second. "Probably a chaser," I tell him. "Is Alexander a chaser?" Neville asks me. I nod. "Is he your boyfriend?" Dean asks me. I choke on my juice at the question. I clear my throat and shake my head. "No, we're just best friends." "So you don't have a boyfriend?" Dean asks me curiously. I blush at the question. The boys are staring at me waiting for an answer. "No," I say quietly. Dean smiles. "Well, we should get going. Come on, Ellie," Ron says as he gets up. "Oh but I'm not-" Ron pushes me to get up and leads me out of the Great Hall, with Harry following. 

"What was that about?" I ask Ron as we exit the Great Hall. "Dean definitely fancies you," Ron says. "I'm pretty sure Neville does as well," Harry adds. "That's right. Ever since you stood up for him, that's all he talks about," Ron says. He pretends to imitate Neville and I roll my eyes. "Cut it out," I tell him as I playfully shove him. Harry and Ron laugh. "Where's Hermione?" I ask, knowing that the three of them did everything together. "In the library, with her nose in a book," Ron says. He looks at Harry. "Ellie," Harry began. "Hermione told us that you knew we were lying to Snape the night we found Mrs. Norris petrified," he says. "Everyone knew, Harry. You didn't hide it well," I point out to him. He smiles softly. "Do you know something?" He asks me. "About the Chamber of Secrets?" I shake my head. "I only learned more about it when Professor McGonagall talked about it in class," I say, thinking back to class yesterday. Harry nods. 

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