X. The More You Know

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'Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.'

          Hogwarts is back on it's normal schedule as the students return. I take a sip out of my cup, as students come into the Great Hall for lunch. "Hermione is supposed to all better soon," Harry informs me. "That's good to hear," I say. Harry and Ron continue to eat their food. "What can I do to get Hermione to trust me?" I ask them, with desperation in my voice. "I don't think there is much you can do.. Well, she does think you are the Heir of Slytherin, so as soon as we found out who the real person is, she'll probably warm up to you. Just give her time," Harry tells me. "Why does she think I'm the Heir?" I ask him. "Ever since she found out you can speak Parselmouth, she was convinced," Ron says as he takes a bite out of his bread. I look at Harry who immediately stares at Ron. "Don't worry, we won't tell anyone," Ron says with his mouth full. "Ellie, I'm pretty sure deep down she knows it's not you. I mean if she really did think it was you, she would have us following you and keeping tabs on you," Harry says to me. Ron nods in agreement. "Okay, you're probably right," I tell them. "Besides, we're always telling her good things about you. She'll come around soon enough," Ron says. I smile at the two of them. 

Suddenly, two people sit down at the table. "You're in for a treat," George says as he and Fred grin mischievously at us. Harry and Ron beam excitedly. Before they could ask questions, a scream erupts in the corridor outside the Great Hall. We rush outside and find Pansy and a few other Slytherin girls screaming. Their tongues are hanging out of their mouths and are almost four feet long. "Bloody hell!" Ron shouts. They all start laughing. "How did you two manage to do this?" I ask them through my laughter. "With help," Alexander says as he comes over to us. "No way. You guys worked together?" I ask Alexander and the twins in shock. They nod. "The sweets take about 15 minutes to kick in. So Alexander here planted it inside the Slytherin common room, and lucky for us, they were the ones to eat it," Fred says, eyeing Pansy and her friends, who are still confused on how their tongues got so large. 

"That is bloody genius," Ron says laughing as he watches the girls. "It still needs improvement. We rather it work its charm the moment the target eats it," George informs us. A few professors are around the girls asking them questions. The girls have regained their normal tongue sizes. I see Pansy point towards us viciously. "And here comes the not so fun part," I tell them as a few of the professors walk towards us. "Professors," I say greeting them with a smile. "I hear your the ones behind the prank," Professor Dumbledore says to us. None of us say anything. Instead of giving us detention or finding out who did the prank, he just smiles and walks off with the other professors following. We all exchange laughs. 

         "How was it with your parents?" I ask Alexander as we walk down the corridor. "It wasn't that bad. I was able to crack some information from my mum," Alexander tells me as we sit out in the courtyard. "So back when it was opened the first time, Muggle-borns were being petrified. Then, suddenly, one girl died. Her body was found in the girls' bathroom. The school was all under order to be shut down when they caught the culprit. You'll never guess who it was," Alexander tells me. "Who?" I ask him. He examines the courtyard and then whispers to me, "Rubeus Hagrid." "No," I gasp, bringing my hand to my mouth. Alexander nods. "He was expelled for unleashing some kind of creature in the school." "Alexander, no. That's insane. Hagrid would never cause harm to anyone," I tell him. "I know, biscuit. But it wouldn't hurt to ask him questions to see if he knows who did do it," Alexander suggests. I nod. "I have to go pick up Finn, anyways," I tell him. Alexander looks at me confused. "He gets bored sitting in my dorm room while I'm in class, so I let him stay with Hagrid," I explain as we leave the courtyard and head down to Hagrid's hut. 

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