XIV. The Chamber of Secrets

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'Let me do this one thing
or at least die trying. '

        The corridors are empty and quiet. My heart begins to race as I run down the second floor corridor to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. "Ellie!" I turn around and see Uncle Severus standing there. "What are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay in your dormitory," Uncle Severus asks sternly. "Uncle Severus, I can't sit still knowing I can help," I tell him. "How can you help?" He asks curiously. "I don't know but I'm going to do everything I can to save her," I tell him. Uncle Severus thinks for a moment. Every minute I waste here, is another minute Ginny suffers. "Uncle Severus, I really have to--" "Come with me," he says, holding onto my wrist. "Uncle Severus, where are we going?" I ask him, but he doesn't tell me. He brings me to Professor Dumbledore's office. "Lemon drop," he says coldly. 

The gargoyle steps aside, revealing a circular staircase. Uncle Severus walks up it and I quickly follow. He enters into Professor Dumbledore's office, looking for something. "Uncle Severus, I don't understand what we're doing here," I tell him as I watch him. He reaches up for the Sorting Hat and then makes his way over to Professor Dumbledore's phoenix. He pets Fawkes and offers him his arm. Fawkes sits on it. "Take them with you," Uncle Severus says as he brings over the Sorting Hat and Fawkes. Fawkes sits onto my shoulder, but I hesitate to take the Sorting Hat. "Um, no offense, but how exactly is the Sorting Hat supposed to help?" Uncle Severus smiles and looks over at Professor Dumbledore's empty chair. "Hurry, you're wasting time," Uncle Severus says. I nod, taking the Sorting Hat from Uncle Severus. "Ellie," Uncle Severus calls me, before I can leave. "I was never here," he says. He comes over and kisses my forehead. "Come back alive," he whispers. I hug him and leave Professor Dumbledore's office. 

I run back to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, telling Fawkes about the Chamber of Secrets. We enter the bathroom and find that one of the sinks is gone. In it's place is a large pipe for a person to slide down. Fawkes and I exchange looks. "You're going down there as well?" Moaning Myrtle asks watching me. "Myrtle, who else is down there?" I ask her. "Harry, the boy with red hair and a handsome teacher," Myrtle says thinking. "Blonde hair? Annoyingly dashing smile?" I ask her. She nods. Wonder what they said to convince Lockhart to go down with them. I look into the pipe, but it is dark. "Try not to die down there," Myrtle says laughing. Fawkes takes the Sorting Hat from me and looks over at me. He shakes his long tail, ushering me to hold onto it. "You sure?" I ask him, not wanting to hurt him. He nods. I take his tail and he flies down into the Chamber of Secrets. 

It is dark. Fawkes flies down over a pile of rocks. "Well, come on, help me move these rocks," a voice says. "Fawkes wait," I tell him. He lowers me down into the tunnel. Behind the pile of rocks, I hear rocks being moved. "Ron? Ron is that you?" I call. "Ellie?" He asks me in shock. "Yes! Ron are you okay? Where's Harry?" I ask him. "Harry went to save Ginny. I'm here with Lockhart. He tried to do a Memory Charm with my wand and it backfired," Ron tells me. "Alright Ron, I'm going to move these rocks for you," I tell him, taking a step back. "No, Ellie. Go help Harry, we'll be fine over here," Ron tells me. "Alright, I'll be back, Ron," I tell him. Fawkes and I continue down the tunnel. 

The tunnel finally stops at a solid wall. Two stone serpents are entwined together. They are carved with big emeralds as eyes. I take a deep breath. "Open," I say, but it comes out in a hiss voice. The serpents begin to move, opening up a door to the chamber. Fawkes sits on my shoulder and begins to sing. "Fawkes?" I ask him, but he continues to sing. I hold out my wand and climb down the stairs. I examine the area. There is a huge stone statue of a wizard with long hair. Right in front of it, a body lies on the floor. Ginny. Harry is knelt over the body, talking with a young man, a man I've never seen before. Fawkes continues to sing as he flies off towards Harry with the Sorting Hat. "Harry! Ginny!" I shout as I follow the phoenix to them. 

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