XVII. "I Promise"

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"Dear Uncle Newt, 

I'm sure you have already heard about what happened at Hogwarts. Sorry I couldn't keep myself out of trouble. 

I owe you a thanks though. Your letter really helped me solve the missing piece I was looking for. 

Hopefully I can visit you over the summer. Can't wait to see you again. 

With love,

I fold the note and hand it to Athena. I pet her head as I open the window and she flies out. "Come on Finn, let's go get some air," I tell Finn. Finn crosses his branches and doesn't move. "Oh Finn, are you still mad at me for not taking you down to the Chamber of Secrets?' I ask him. He doesn't say anything. I try to tickle him. He laughs, pushes my finger away, and crosses his branches again. "Finn, I said I'm sorry a hundred times," I tell him. He still doesn't move. "Come on buddy. What can I do to make this right?" I ask him. He thinks for a second and chitters. I laugh. "For sure I will take you on my next deadly adventure," I say, promising him. He jumps up in joy and hops onto my shoulder. 

We walk out into the courtyard where Fred, George, Lee Jordan and Alexander are sitting. "You four are getting awfully friendly," I say, smiling as I approach them. Lee Jordan laughs. "This man is hilarious," he says pointing to Alexander. Alexander brushes Lee's compliment off. "What are you discussing?" I ask them. "We were talking about an incident that had happened in our Charms class today," Lee Jordan says, laughing. Charms class. "Fiddlesticks! I'm behind on my Charms homework!" I say, bringing my hand to my forehead. Fred and George exchange glances. "Fiddlesticks?" George asks me, smirking. "Yes," I say as I sit down next to Alexander. "Uncle Severus taught me not to swear," I tell them. The boys burst into laughter. 

"Can you imagine Snape saying that?" Fred asks as he gets up. He makes his voice low and cold as Uncle Severus' and says, "Ellie, you're allowed to jinx and hex people, prank people, break rules, and go on life threatening adventures, but swearing--" "Swearing" George emphasizes. "Swearing you must never do." All four of the boys laugh. I roll my eyes. "Not quite how I remember the conversation," a deep cold voice says from behind us. The boys stiffen as Uncle Severus stares at them. "Ellie, Professor Dumbledore is looking for you," he says as he keeps his eyes on the four boys. "Are you coming with me?" I ask him, trying to help the boys out of their misery. "No, actually. I'm very much interested in the imitations the Weasleys have of me," he says slowly. The twins smile weakly and then sprint out of the courtyard. Lee Jordan quickly follows them. "You're not going after them?" I ask, hiding my laugh. "I don't chase after people," he simply says. He turns to Alexander. "I don't understand why you're still standing here, Vixen." 

"Didn't know I needed your permission to stand here, Professor," Alexander mutters. Uncle Severus glares at him. "Okay. We're going to go now," I say, dragging Uncle Severus out of the courtyard. "Arrogant fool. I don't understand why you're friends with him," Uncle Severus says annoyed. "He's a good lad, Uncle Severus. You just need to get to know him better. You don't see me judging your friends," I tell him as we continue to walk. He raises his eyebrow in confusion. "Lucius Malfoy," I say. He smirks and shakes his head. "I don't choose to be around him," he says as we approach Professor Dumbledore's office. "Lemon drop," Uncle Severus says slowly. The gargoyle moves and Uncle Severus motions me to go up. 

I knock on Professor Dumbledore's door and walk in. "Ah, Ellie. Please, have a seat," Professor Dumbledore says. I sit down at his desk. "We didn't get a chance to talk after what happened at the Chamber of Secrets," he begins. "It takes great deal of courage to risk our lives for others.. You continue to astonish me, Ellie." I smile. "Thank you, sir. Fawkes did a great job as well," I say smiling at the phoenix. Professor Dumbledore looks at Fawkes and smiles. "He's quite brilliant, isn't he?" I nod. "Down in the Chamber, you challenged Lord Voldemort. What were you thinking?" Professor Dumbledore asks me curiously. I shrug. "I wasn't really thinking... We needed a distraction to destroy the diary, so I created one." Professor Dumbledore smiles. 

"Professor? You mentioned that Lord Voldemort was hiding in the forests in Albania.. I thought he was destroyed. Is he back?" I ask him. Professor Dumbledore sighs. "Lord Voldemort could return again." I drop my mouth in shock. "T-that means Harry could be in trouble and so many people could--" "Relax, Ellie. He's not back.. There is no reason to worry about a problem that has not yet been created," Professor Dumbledore says with a small smile. I nod. "Now, it has come to my attention that you have told Alexander the truth." I swallow nervously and nod. Professor Dumbledore smiles. "Ellie, you are allowed to tell anyone you trust the truth, but you must be careful. Not everyone is as true as they say they are.. The most important thing is that no matter what happens, remember the person you are." Why is he speaking like this? Is something going to happen? "Professor Dumbledore, is something going to happen?" I ask him, worried. "Ellie, I need you to promise me something. Promise me you'll never lose sight of yourself." I nod, "I promise." 


        "Promise me you'll never lose sight of yourself." Those words run through my mind repeatedly as I lay on my bed. Finn sits on Athena's cage, chittering with her. The door of the dormitory opens. I don't get up as one of my roommates walk in and go to their bed. The room is silent. Does Dumbledore know something is going to happen? Was he trying to warn me that I might turn evil? "Ellie!" Hermione's voice snaps me out of my thoughts. "I asked if you were okay?" She asks. I sit up in my bed and nod. She doesn't say anything. I look over at her. She's fiddling with something in her hand. "What you did was generous," she says as she looks at the object in her hand. What did I do? "Um, what are you referring to?" I ask her. She looks up at me and shows me the object in her hand. It's the Time Turner. Oh sugar, did Dumbledore tell her he offered it to me first? 

"Professor McGonagall gave it to me earlier today, so I will be able to attend more classes next year. She got special approval from the Ministry to allow me to use it, and made me promise not to tell anyone," Hermione says, looking back at the Time Turner. "Why are you telling me then?" I ask her. "You're the one who suggested I should be given this," she says quietly. She knows. I don't say anything. "Professor McGonagall said you had refused the offer and told Dumbledore to give it to someone who's more eager to learn.. someone like me," she says, now looking at me. "Well, I um, had already decided what classes I was going to take next year, so there was no point in me using it," I inform her. She smiles and puts the Time Turner in her drawer. "Still, thank you." 

The door of our dormitory opens and Lavender, Parvati and Fay walk in. "It's our last night in this room as second years!" Lavender says in joy. "It's been one hell of a year," Fay adds, as she sits on her bed. "Well, what did you think?" Parvati asks me, as she leans against the wall. "About what?" I ask her. "About your first year at Hogwarts, silly," she says with a laugh. "Oh," I say smiling. "It exceeded my expectations." "I bet you didn't think you'd go down in the Chamber of Secrets!" Fay says. "Not at all," I reply back. "If you hang with Harry, Ron and Hermione, you are ought to go on more adventures like that," Lavender says as she points to Hermione. Hermione sits on her bed reading a book. She doesn't make a comment. "Well, it's getting late, we should go to sleep," I tell them. We bid each other goodnight as we get into our beds. 

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