V. Pranks

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'The trouble with trouble is, it starts out fun.

            I enter my dorm room to find Hermione sitting on her bed. The rest of the girls are asleep. She gets up when I walk in. "Why did Professor Dumbledore want to speak with you?" She asks me. "He had some questions to ask me," I tell her as I make my way over to my bed. "Why did you lie to Professor Snape?" I ask her. "Sorry? I don't know what you're talking about," Hermione says as she goes back to her bed. "Harry said that he told you he wasn't hungry, but that wasn't the truth, was it?" I ask her. She doesn't say anything. "Why didn't you tell them?" I ask her. "It was Harry's choice not too," she says. "What really happened?" I ask her. She looks at me, then at the clock. "It's getting late. We should sleep," she says as she gets into bed and turns off her light. I sit down on my bed and pull out all my history books on Hogwarts. If no one was going to tell me more about the Chamber of Secrets, I'll find it out on my own. 

        The next morning, I head down to the Great Hall for breakfast. "Freddie! Georgie!" I call as I sit down in front of the twins. "I have good news," I tell them, smiling. "Tell us," they say in unison. "I'm planning on setting the prank tonight, so it'll be in play tomorrow morning," I tell them. Fred and George beam in joy. "Where?" George asks. "When?" Fred asks. "Tomorrow morning, right before first period. It'll be happening outside of Potions class. I hope to see you there," I say proudly. The grin on their faces grow wider. "Oh we'll be there," Fred says. "And we'll make sure there is an audience as well," George adds. "This is going to be great," Fred says with a laugh. I laugh along with them. From the corner of my eye, I catch Alexander walking into the Great Hall. "Okay, so I'll see you tomorrow then," I say as I wave goodbye to them.

I make my way over to the Slytherin table where Alexander is sitting. A couple Slytherins students start whispering as I approach. "I did some research," I say as a present him my notes from last night. He looks up at me and smirks. "Didn't think I'd be seeing you back at the Slytherin table," he says. I roll my eyes and point to my notes. "No one has been able to find the Chamber of Secrets," I tell him. "Yes, that's why it's a legend," he says as he takes a bit into an apple. "Okay, but Alexander, it's not. And Harry, Ron, and Hermione know something about it," I tell him as I stare at my notes. "Did you ask them?" Alexander says as he continues to eat. "I asked Hermione but she wouldn't budge. It's probably because they don't trust me," I tell him. Alexander stops eating his apple and turns to me. "Now who told you that?" He asks in confusion. "No one. It just makes sense. I mean look at me, I'm a Gryffindor who's sitting at a Slytherin table," I say throwing my hands up in the air. Alexander laughs. "It's not funny, Alexander," I say crossing my arms. "Okay, okay I'm sorry. I'm not seeing where you need my help," he says pointing to my notes. "Just keep your ears open, and if you hear anything about it let me know, okay?" I ask him. He nods. 

"Great! Oh I almost forgot to tell you," I say with excitement. He raises an eyebrow. I lean in to whisper in his ear. "Operation Foam is in position tonight and set for tomorrow morning," I whisper. Alexander looks up at me and shakes his head. "No, no, no. Absolutely not. You are not going to sneak into--" I quickly cover his mouth with my hand. Students around us stare. "Shush," I tell him quietly. "I'll be fine," I tell him. He mumbles something. "What?" I ask him removing my hand from his mouth. "I said, I'm completely against this idea but I know you already made up your mind, so I'm going to help you," he says. I laugh and gather my notes. "Absolutely not. I'm not letting you get in on the prank." Alexander begins to speak but I get up before he can.  "Don't worry, I'll be careful," I say and wink, as I walk away. "Ellie!" Alexander calls but I continue to walk. 


        The girls are fast asleep. I look over at the clock. It is half past ten. Everyone should be in their beds by now, and the nightly checks should be over. I reach under my bed and pull out the can of green foam I have created. I put on a robe and place the can in my pocket. Finn chitters from inside my draw. I open it and look at him. "Sorry buddy, I got to this one on my own," I whisper to him. He crosses his branches and pouts. "Alright, alright, but you have to stay quiet," I tell him as I place him on my shoulder. He chitters with joy. We make our way out of the Gryffindor common room. The corridors are empty and dark. Finn tugs on my collar. "Told you to stay back," I tell him, knowing his fear of the dark. We continue to walk into the dungeons. It is dark and gloomy. Finn jumps into my pocket to hide. I examine the area to make sure no one was around. It is pretty quiet. I make my way over to the Potions classroom. 

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