XII. Pranks, Pranks & More Pranks

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'But, you and I, we're pioneers
We make our own rules'

"Isn't it such a beautiful day?" George exclaims. "A very beautiful day!" I agree back. "A beautiful day, indeed," Fred adds. We walk down the corridor with our arms locked with each other. "What are you guys up to?" Ron asks as we walk past him. "On a mission, Ronald," I say to him as we keep walking. Alexander leans against the wall as we approach him. "Well aren't you three in a good mood." He says eyeing our intertwined arms. We let go of each others arms. I lean in to Alexander. "We're off to set dung bombs down in the Dungeons. Would you like to join?" I whisper to him. Fred and George smile wickedly. Alexander chortles. "Only if you let me pick which corridors to drop them in," he says. We make our way down to the Dungeons.

It is fairly early on Saturday morning, so there are rarely any students around. "Alright, I'll throw two into the Slytherin common room, then run out. Most of them will run out here," Alexander says. "And that's when we'll throw more down this corridor," George says gleefully. "Cover your noses, boys," I tell them, smirking. The three of us move away from the Slytherin common room, as Alexander enters it. Within a second, he comes running out to our side. Then we hear explosions and screams. The Slytherin common room door opens as students rush out. "Now," Fred says. We throw a few more dung bombs into the corridor. They explode, leaving the Slytherin students surrounded by the horrendous smell. We quickly run out of the Dungeons as we hear Uncle Severus shouting about the smell. "Excellent job boys," I tell them as we reach the Ground Floor. Allison runs up to the Ground Floor with two of her friends.

"Hey, Allison, what's going on?" Alexander asks her, acting concerned. "Some jerk dropped dung bombs into the Slytherin common room and the corridor. It reeks down there," she says as more Slytherin students come running up the stairs. Her eyes narrow at Fred and George. "I expect you two are behind this?" She asks them, coldly. "Us? How could we get into the Slytherin common room?" Fred asks her confused. She huffs and walks off with her friends. "Little does she know, her precious boyfriend was behind the attack," I say, nudging Alexander. "Nothing is official yet," he says as we watch the students. "The shock on her face when she finds out her boyfriend set a prank on his own house," George says. He and Fred put on a shock look on their faces, imitating what would be Allison's reaction. I start laughing and they join in with me. "Cut it out," Alexander says rolling his eyes.

We sit in the corridor passing down jelly beans to each other. "Alright, which one of these poor souls do you want to prank?" George asks as we examine the area. The four of us look around. Luna and a few other Ravenclaw students are talking together in a corner. A couple of Hufflepuff students walk past us. "What about them?" I say pointing to the Hufflepuff students. George hands me a small box. "Who's going to do the honors?" I ask holding out my arms, with the box. Alexander pulls out his wand and taps me saying, "illusiont." I look down at my body, unable to see it anymore. Instead, it has camouflaged into the surroundings. I smile brightly and make my way down the corridor to the Hufflepuff students. I open the box and spill out the ball inside. The ball rolls in front of the Hufflepuff students causing them to stop walking.

"What's that?" Hannah Abbott asks pointing to the ball on the ground. I slowly make my way to the boys. I pull out my wand, undoing the Disillusionment Charm. Cedric Diggory picks up the ball. You can see the regret on his face the moment he picks it up. Before Cedric could drop it, the ball grows and consumes Cedric inside of it. Hannah and the other Hufflepuff student move away quickly. I clasp my hand over my mouth to keep myself from laughing, but the boys couldn't help it. They burst into laughter, causing all the students to look over at Cedric. Cedric fumbles inside the ball, trying to stand up straight. He fails miserably as he falls to the ground. "Someone help me get out of here!" Cedric says to the students watching him. "Okay, I feel bad," I say to the boys, as we watch him continue to struggle to stand. "Let's just wait and see if he can stand in it," Alexander says, watching him.

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