VII. Quidditch Game

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"Dear Uncle Newt,

I just found out that I'm a legilimens. Uncle Severus and Professor Dumbledore don't know how that's possible, since it's a skill you learn... How did Queenie become a Legilimens? 

I'll try to keep myself out of trouble, but I can't make any promises. 

With love,

       I fold the letter up, and hand it to Athena. "There you go, girl," I say. She flies out the window. "Ellie, are you coming to the Quidditch game?" Parvati asks me as she puts on her Gryffindor scarf. "Wouldn't miss it," I say as I get up from my table. The girls all head out, except for Hermione. "Who are you rooting for?" She asks me as she puts on her coat. "Gryffindor. Who else?" I ask her as I apply some red and gold paint to my face. She shrugs. I place down the paint and turn to her. "Alright, why don't you trust me?" I ask her. She looks up at me puzzled. "Sorry?" She asks. "Oh come on, the boys told me everything. You don't like me," I tell her. "I don't trust you," she corrects me. I cross my arms and huff. "You haven't even tried to get to know me." She reaches for her wand and puts it in her robe pocket. "What do I have to do to get you to trust me? " I ask her, hopelessly. "I'll see you at the game," she says and walks out the door.

       The sky is gloomy. Regardless of the weather, students fill the stadium cheering. "Ellie!" Neville calls me from the stands. I make my way over to Neville, Seamus and Dean. "Ready to witness your first Hogwarts Quidditch game?" Seamus asks me. I smile widely and nod. I look up to the professor's booth and see Lee Jordan by the mic. He waves at us and we wave back. In front of us are Ron and Hermione. Ron smiles at me, but Hermione doesn't acknowledge me. I examine the Quidditch field. The players are coming onto the field. Madam Hooch blows her whistle and the crowd roars as the fourteen players rise to the air. Alexander grabs the Quaffle and swifts past the players. He throws the Quaffle to Marcus Flint. Rain begins to pour down. Flint gets the ball knocked out of his hand by Angelina Johnson. "Angelina Johnson has the ball. What a fine chaser she is! Very attractive as well!" Lee Jordan says through the mic. I watch as Professor McGonagall scolds Lee Jordan. Oh Lee. I giggle as I turn back to the game. Angelina tries to score but misses. "Has Harry found the snitch yet?" Neville asks. We scan through the area to find Harry. 

"Over there!" I say pointing to Harry. Harry and Draco are side to side chasing the golden snitch. "Alexander has the Quaffle! He's headed for the hoop!" Lee Jordan shouts into the mic. "Ten points for Slytherin!" Lee says, with a groan afterwards. I look for Harry when I spot something odd. There is a Bludger following Harry around. "That doesn't look right to me," I say to the boys as I point to Harry. Harry flies in different ways trying to shake the Bludger off him, but it keeps following him. Fred jumps in front of the Bludger and hits it towards the Slytherin team. However, the Bludger stops and turns back to go after Harry. "Bloody hell," Ron says. George and Fred follow Harry, trying to beat the Bludger off him. "It's a rogue Bludger!" Seamus shouts. "Someone hexed the Bludger," I inform them. "Another ten points for Slytherin," Lee says through the mic. We groan. The Bludger chases after Harry. Fred and George are seen talking with Oliver Wood. Oliver calls for a time-out. 

"Who do you think hexed it?" Ron asks Hermione. "Probably Draco," she huffs. I examine the Slytherin team. Draco and a couple other players are laughing together. "Can't they do something about the Bludger?" Neville asks. I shrug as the Gryffindor players rise to the air. The game resumes. Slytherin is ahead with 60 points. "He sees it!" Seamus shouts as Harry flies after the snitch. Draco is right by his side and so is the Bludger. The Bludger slams into Harry's arm. The crowd gasps. "Harry!" Hermione shouts. "This is ridiculous," I say and push through the crowd. "Where are you going?" Dean shouts, but I keep pushing through the crowd. I watch as Harry reaches for the snitch. "Harry Potter as caught the Golden Snitch! Gryffindor wins!" Lee Jordan shouts. The crowd exclaims. I rush out into the field. The Bludger is still trying to attack Harry. It knocks Harry off his broom and he falls to the ground. I raise my wand at the Bludger. "Bombarda!!" I shout. The Bludger explodes right before it could hit Harry's face. "Harry!" Hermione and Ron shout as they rush to his side. The Gryffindor team lands on the ground and rush over to Harry. We all stand around him. 

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