XI. Happy Valentine's Day!

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          Hermione is back on her feet with no cat like features. It's been a month since the attack on Justin and Nearly Headless Nick. No more attacks happened since. Things are starting to look good for Hogwarts. I enter into the Great Hall and stop. "What in the world is this?" I ask as I examine the Great Hall. It is covered in large lurid pink flowers and heart shape confetti falls from the ceiling. Professor Lockhart stands in the front, smiling in his lurid pink robe. I sit down at the Gryffindor table. "This is his idea of morale-booster?" Harry asks. Ron looks sick by the whole idea. Hermione, on the other hand, is enjoying the view. I examine the High Table. None of the professor are amused. Uncle Severus looks stony-faced. 

"Happy Valentine's Day!" Professor Lockhart shouts in joy. A few of the girls cheer along with Hermione. "Thank you to the forty-six people who have sent me cards so far! Now, the fun doesn't end here! I have a little surprise for you!" He says and claps his hands. The doors of the Great Hall opens and dozen of dwarfs walk in wearing golden wings and playing harps. "My friendly card carrying cupids!" Professor Lockhart beams. "They will be roaming around the school today delivering valentines! Additionally, I'm sure your professor would love to join in on the fun!" Professor Lockhart says turning to the professors. "Hermione, please tell me you weren't one of the forty-six," says Ron. Hermione quickly turns to look at the front of the room, not answering him. I let out a small giggle as Ron rolls his eyes in disgust. 

"Why not ask Professor Snape to show you how to make a love potion?" Professor Lockhart suggests, pointing to Uncle Severus. "Doesn't he know Love Potions are banned at Hogwarts?" I whisper to the group. Uncle Severus narrows his eyes at Professor Lockhart. Professor Lockhart winks at Uncle Severus. "And Professor Flitwick knows more about Entrancing Enchantments than any other wizard I've met, what a sly man!" Professor Flitwick buries his face in his hands from embarrassment. Professor Lockhart returns to the High Table and the dwarfs continue to play on their harps. "This is going to be a long day," Ron groans as we get up to go to first period. 

All throughout our classes, dwarfs came busting in delivering valentines. Although the students found it amusing, most of the professors were annoyed. "One Valentine for you, Ellie Bane," a dwarf says as he hands me a card. I smile as I take. "From who?" Ron says, glancing over my shoulder. Harry joins us to see who the card is from. "There's never a dull moment with you. Happy Valentine's Day! From, D. Thomas," Harry reads. We all look over at Dean who's smiling widely. "Oh he couldn't have been anymore obvious," Ron says in disgust. Uncle Severus snatches the card out of my hand and reads it quietly. He glares over at Dean. Dean's smile quickly fades as he turns back to his potion. Uncle Severus walks back to his desk, taking my card with him. "I think he's going to kill him," Ron whispers, watching Uncle Severus. I laugh and shake my head. "Don't be ridiculous, Ronald." We turn back to our potions. "What an atrocious way of crushing wormwood. Ten points from Gryffindor," Uncle Severus scolds. We turn to see who he is talking to. It's Dean Thomas. Ron scoffs. "Who's being ridiculous now?"

We leave Potions class, making our way to Charms when a dwarf comes running. "Oy! Harry! Harry Potter!" He shouts. "Oh no," Harry says as he begins to walk faster. The dwarf is quicker. He grabs Harry, causing him to trip over and fall to the ground. "Got one musical valentine to deliver to Harry Potter in person," the dwarf says as he strings his harp. "Not here!" Harry cries. The students gather around to hear. "Sit still," the dwarf says, sitting on Harry's legs. Draco joins the crowd with a smirk on his face. "What is all this commotion?" Percy asks as he pushes through the crowd. "Here's your singing valentine: His eyes are green as a fresh pickled toad. His hair is black as a blackboard. I wish he was mine, he's really divine. The hero who conquered the Dark Lord." Ron and I exchange looks. I glance over to Ginny who watches Harry. Harry's face is as pink as the decorations that are surrounding the school. The dwarf lets Harry go, and he gets back on his feet. 

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