III. Slytherin Bullies

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'I might only have one match 
But I can make an explosion.'

         I walk into my dorm, finding four girls talking. They stop as I enter. "Um, hi. I'm Ellie Bane," I say introducing myself. Neither four of the girls say anything. Then, a girl with bushy brown hair stepped forward. "I'm Hermione Granger," she says as she extended her hand. I shake it and smile. "Nice to meet you," I say. I look behind her at the other girls. "I'm Lavender Brown," one of the girls say. "Nice to meet you Ellie, I'm Parvati Patil," an Indian girl says, as I shake her hand. I turn to the last girl. "Fay Dunbar," she says and waves. I smile. "It's so great to meet you all," I say to them. "So why are you enrolled late?" Lavender asks me. "Uh, well, I was in an accident last year that kept me from coming," I tell her. "For a year?" Hermione asks a bit suspicious. 

"Yes, um, Professor Dumbledore believed it would be best for me to only come to Hogwarts once I was fully recovered," I tell her as I make my way over to my bed. "Must have been a big accident. Glad you're better," Parvati says as she sits on her bed. I smile at her. "Are you Snape's daughter?" Fay asks me. I don't move. "Uh, no." I say as I fiddle with my fingers. "Oh, there are rumors that you two were related," Fay says, trying to get more information out of me. I look up at her. "He's my uncle," I say and Lavender gasps. "Not by blood," I tell them. They looked at each other. "Then?" Fay asks. "He just raised me," I say. No one says anything. 

"Didn't know Snape was capable of raising a kid. Thought he hated us all," Fay says as she laughs. "That's not true. Uncl-Professor Snape is a great guardian and he cares very much about students," I tell her. Parvati and Lavender laugh. "I don't think we are talking about the same Professor Snape," Lavender says. "I don't think I've ever seen him smile," Parvati says, as she ponders on that thought. Fay laughs and looks back at me. "Must have stung him to find out you were in Gryffindor. Anyways, welcome to Hogwarts," she says as she makes her way out of the room. Parvati and Lavender follow her out. I sigh and sit down on my bed. 

"I've heard the rumors.. you must be having a rough first day," a voice says from behind me. I turn around to see Hermione sitting on her bed, reading. "It's not going as planned, but I'm glad I'm here," I tell her. She nods. She closes her book and makes her way over to my bed. "I noticed you had a different copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them," she says as she points to the book on my desk. "That's a rough copy," I say as I make my way over to the desk. "It's the second part of the first book. It's not published or anything yet. He's still working on it," I say as I look at the book and then her. "You are welcome to read it, if you like," I say offering her the book. She smiles a little. "How do you have an unpublished version of this book?" She asks me as she takes the book from my hand. "Newt gave it to me," I say. She looks up at me in shock. "Newt Scamander? You know Newt Scamander?" She asks me. I nod slowly. "He's my uncle," I say. She opens her mouth to speak but I quickly interrupt her. "Not by blood," I say quickly. She looks at me, puzzled. "Um, thanks for the book," she says and makes her way back to her bed. 


      "Alright everyone, take out your books and start reading from page 230," the Defense Against Dark Arts teacher says. Everyone slowly starts taking out their books and turning to the page as directed. I start to read when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look up. "I don't think we have formally introduced ourselves, not that you don't already know me," the professor says smiling. I smile back and nod. "Yes, Professor Snape has told me all about you, Professor Lockhart," I say. Professor Lockhart's smile slowly diminishes but instantly comes back. "All good things I hope," he says and I nod. If you think being a fraud is a good thing then sure. He pats my shoulder and begins to go to the front of the class. 

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